Chapter 48

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Sanha stood beside the brick wall, his uncertainty causing him to stop his pace. He clenched and unclenched his fists, questioning whether his decision was wise or not. Figuring that he didn't have anything to lose, he continued walking. He took in the huge building in front of him, the high gates and the high towers guarding the area. He went over to the guardpost and mentioned his reason to come there. He had to go through a series of entrances before arriving at the main building. There, he waited with a few other people.

His name was called and he took a seat in front of the glass wall, waiting. He waited and waited and he thought that maybe, he wasn't supposed to be here. But he heard the door clicked and MJ materialized. MJ was stone-faced; less like the person he knew for two years. The person he had been living with, the person whom he share the same sense of humour with.

But right now, he didn't know the person in front of him. Murderer, they called him. He's the one who killed Rocky. You should hate him. He wanted to hate the person in front of him, but he couldn't. They spent so much time together that he couldn't imagine loathing him.

So he said, "Hyung, I miss you."

MJ's face slightly changed, but he didn't utter anything in return. He only blinked back, showing no visible expression of happiness.

"I know I should hate you with all my heart. But I can't. And the rest of us too. I know Jin Jin hyung doesn't hate you too. Moon Bin hyung might've been mad at you at first, but he changed. He's not anymore. Eunwoo hyung too."

MJ showed a flicker of emotion before turning to his poker face again. He said monotonously, "I killed Rocky. Accepting what I did doesn't bring him back to life. It doesn't change the fact that I'm a murderer."

"But you did it because of your brother!"

"Yoon Sanha!" MJ interjected and two guards approached him. He calmed down and they retreated. "Look, my intentions don't make my actions right. Just forget about me and live your life. You have a whole life ahead of you."

"And what if I don't want to forget you?"

MJ blinked and he let the tears pooling loose. The tears rolled down his cheeks but he didn't let out a sound.

"Don't. Don't you ever dare look back. What I did could never be forgiven." With that he stood up, head down and refusing to look at the youngest. "Just go." He let himself be flanked by the two guards, intending to go back to his cell.

Before he was out of earshot, Sanha took the last chance to shout, "Hyung! You know what? You won! Taehee noona did choose to be with Eunwoo hyung instead of Bin hyung. Do you remember when we fought about it?"

Just before the door closed, MJ stopped it with his hand. The guard didn't protest. He looked back to Sanha. "Really?"

Sanha nodded vigorously. "Yes."

"He got back his memories?"


"Please... Tell him I'm sorry. I really am." He walked out of the room, leaving Sanha with his reflection as the glass wall in front of him turned opaque. He could only see himself, and MJ could no longer be seen.


Taehee stared at the brother until he felt as if she's making a hole through his head. They were eating lunch at their home, and Taehyung came up with a suggestion that almost made Taehee choke on her food. She quickly took a gulp of water to ease the food into her stomach.

"Yah, you know that even though you're a cyborg, you can't shoot lasers out of your eyes? So stop staring at me like that." Taehyung put down his chopsticks.

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