Chapter 21

119 12 2

2 weeks later


She heard Rocky's voice calling for her, but she didn't dare to turn around until she made sure that the tears that stained her cheeks were wiped off and her nose wasn't runny. When she was sure that her face was presentable, she finally turned to face the second youngest and gave off a smile- which felt fake, but at least it could put Rocky at ease. Rocky was looking at her with wide eyes, seemingly wanting to say something but still carefully constructing the words in his head as he didn't want to stir her emotions, after all that she had been through. He was wearing a suit, the jacket in his left hand while he put out his right hand to help her to get down from the lake observation deck.

"Taehyung hyung is waiting for us in the car, Haeun- ah, Taehee noona," he fumbled with his words, still not used to the fact that the girl was indeed Taehee.

Taehee didn't reply but merely nodded, throwing one last look at the vast lake. The water rippled, as if saying goodbye to her before she took off. Rocky followed at a safe distance behind, looking out if she decided to do something out of the ordinary or let her emotions take over. She didn't; she carefully stepped over the stones and walked through the grass blades, making her way towards the car parked just beside the road. Taehyung was in the car, talking to someone through his commander, while occasionally making hand gestures, as if the other person on the other line could see him. She thought it would be rude to burst in, but her brother gestured for both of them to come in as he ended the call.

Rocky sat at the passenger seat while Taehee made herself comfortable at the back seat. Taehyung glanced at her through the rear view mirror, before setting his eyes on the road. He ignited the engine, maneuvering the car and finally entering the main road, joining the other cars on the road. Both of the men kept glancing at each other, as if daring one of them to start a conversation. Rocky signaled towards Taehyung, claiming that he was her brother, while Taehyung mouthed towards Rocky that it would only be wise for him to start the conversation since they're close.

Taehee noticed they were arguing silently about the topic, so she decided to be the one to speak up, "Both of you can stop arguing now, I'm still sane. You don't have to worry about me going crazy just because-" She took a deep breath. "-just because of what happened. Life must go on, right?"

Rocky slumped in his seat as he felt as if the burden on his shoulders was lifted. Taehyung made a right turn before stopping the car at the end of the street.

"I'll drop you guys here; I need to go and find a parking. Also-" he turned to look at Taehee, "-can you make sure that Areum doesn't run away? Tie her if necessary, just so I can finally talk to her. She's been avoiding me for two weeks."

Taehee gave off a sincere smile this time, amused by the unclear relationship between her brother and the new worker at the restaurant, Go Areum. Rocky and Taehee alighted the car, both standing at the same position until they saw the car disappear from their view. When the car was no longer in sight, they spun around and started walking in the direction of the restaurant. They were a few metres away from the restaurant when they saw the youngest wiping the windows of the restaurant while trying to dance to some choreography they've never seen before.

"Not bad, Yoon Sanha," Rocky exclaimed as they reached the restaurant.

"Oh, hyung, noona! You guys are here early," Sanha displayed his braces while giving off the brightest smile.

They stepped into the restaurant, expecting to see the rest of the team members there, but no one was there. They gave enquiring looks to Sanha, and he pointed towards the back room, indicating that they should be there. Sure enough; Areum just finished fixing her clothes, while Jin Jin and MJ were hanging out by the lockers, chatting away.

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