Chapter 14

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"No, Eunwoo definitely likes Haeun."

"Ah, hyung! Didn't you see Eunwoo hyung and that girl having a date at the fancy restaurant yesterday?"

"Yoon Sanha, that's probably just a blind date. Haven't you seen those dramas where the rich parents set their children up on blind dates and they can't disobey them? It's probably the same thing with our boss!"

"Hyung, it's only your assumption that Eunwoo hyung likes noona! What, have you seen them hold hands? Or-" the youngest lowers his tone, bringing his mouth closer to MJ's ear. "kiss?"

"Are you an idiot? Do you expect them to do that in front of us? Of course not!" MJ pushed Sanha's face away from him while scowling.

"I don't agree. Anyway, I feel that Moon Bin hyung suits better with Haeun noona! Haeun looks happier with him," Sanha said before unwrapping his breakfast. They're on the way to the restaurant, using the time they have to argue about what they saw yesterday. "Plus, Eunwoo hyung sat back down when that girl grabbed his arm! That means he has fallen for her charms."

"Yoon Sanha, you have no idea how this love thing works. Moon Bin flirts with every girl he comes across. And of course Haeun looks happier when she's with Moon Bin; that's because they work together! Haeun can barely see Eunwoo when the restaurant opens so we can't really see them interact. But my guts aren't wrong; Eunwoo has feelings for the only girl in our team," MJ balled his right fist, putting it up like a sign of victory.

"Hyung, how do you know how love works when you can't even get a girlfriend?"

"YOON SANHA-" MJ shouted.

Jin Jin interrupted their pointless conversation by slapping both of the back of their heads. He wanted to keep quiet but the bickering between the youngest and oldest was getting out of hand. "Yah, what are you guys doing so early in the morning? Are you guys doing a matchmaking service?" He pulled the strings of his hoodie until his ears were protected. It was a cold morning. "Just let them with their own feelings, why are you so worried about who ends up with who?"

"Hyung, do you think Haeun suits better with Moon Bin hyung or Eunwoo hyung?" Sanha poked Jin Jin's cheek.

"Let them be!" Jin Jin shouted before spotting a familiar figure sitting on the pavement in front of ASTRO. "Oh, it's Choi Haeun."

MJ and Sanha stopped their fight; they looked at Haeun who was hugging her own body and had her eyes closed. Her head lolled from side to side, she was obviously sleeping in front of the restaurant while sitting down on the pavement. People took no notice of her, and she was oblivious to her surroundings. Jin Jin went over to her and tapped her shoulder lightly.

"Choi Haeun."

She opened her eyes and immediately stood up when she saw the three of them. She dusted her back before hastily bowing. "Ah, I came early and I had no idea how to enter. So I just waited here."

"Noona, what's wrong with your hand?" Sanha quickly inspected Haeun's bandaged hand, turning it over and tapping his finger on the cloth. "Does it hurt?"

"Ah, this?" She quickly pulled her hand and hid it behind her back. "I got hurt while trying to cook, but it's nothing."

"Eunwoo didn't come with you? Don't you guys live in the same building? You could've asked him how to open up the restaurant."

"He..." she trailed off, not knowing whether she should tell them that he didn't come back home yesterday. But then they would be suspicious, asking how she knew that he didn't come back home at night. So she decided to come up with a safer answer. "I couldn't reach him and I don't want to disturb him so early in the morning."

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