Chapter 19

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They were handcuffed and arrested, but it seemed more like they were kidnapped. The windows of the van they were in were completely dark, the three of them were separated from their captors by a screen, but they knew too well that their every move was watched by the officials. Eunwoo's and Moon Bin's commanders were taken away, while their mouths were gagged. From the corner of her eye, she saw Moon Bin making small hand gestures, and Eunwoo tilted his head a bit, showing that he understood. Haeun wanted to be part of it, but she reminded herself that the boys knew what they're doing. Rocky must've surely had their rescue plan already laid out, right?

We're going to be okay. She repeated that line in her head, much like a mantra. Close your eyes and everything will return back to how they were.

Well, she did close her eyes. But the next thing they knew was the back door of the van was flung open, and sunlight shone directly on her eyes. She opened her eyes slowly, adjusting to her new surroundings. She looked over to Moon Bin, just maybe if they were going to hit them and run away, but he only shook his head slightly, asking her to go along with them. So she obeyed and they were flanked by the officials who said nothing, but only marched forward. Were they even humans? Or were they robots that were made to look like humans?

Then she remembered her true nature. She was half-human, half-robot.

Eunwoo glanced at her, and his eyes were comforting her, saying, 'Don't worry, we'll get through this together.'

One of the officials put up a hand, again, robot-like and took out his ID. He scanned the ID beside the heavy door and pressed his palm on it. He scanned his eyes and the lasers guarding the door disappeared. The heavy doors hissed before parting, clouding them in fog. There was a long hallway with nothing but a ground covered by a type of metal and there were overhead lights, with a 2-metre distance between each of them. They walked in silence, their heels clicking on the metal walkway. It felt like a never-ending journey as there was really nothing else except for the lights marking the pathway. When she felt her legs growing more and more tired, she was almost grateful that they finally stopped in front of another heavy door.

But she wasn't at all grateful for what she saw behind the door.

Her brother's hands were tied up, and his face looked like it was beaten badly. Because his hands were up, some of his stomach was exposed and she could see a fresh wound across his stomach, just below his belly button. He was breathing heavily, his legs weren't touching the ground. He was suspended in mid-air against the wall. The chains around his wrist were rusted and his pants were torn near the ends. It took all her will not to cry when seeing her brother in that state.

As if her brother's face was a trigger, some of her memories came back again. The fire. Her shouting for help. Trying to save their parents and maid. Crying, just hoping everything was a dream.

Her head was pounding, but she couldn't put her hand up to her head as they were cuffed. She only grimaced, hoping the pain would go away.

The memories were just coming back without mercy. She remembered growing up with Rocky, learning taekwondo with him. She had seen Eunwoo before, but only through pictures of him and Taehyung when they were kids. Spending more time with Rocky because her brother was always at the lab, pouring all his ideas on new experiments. Her parents were barely at home too, but they gave her enough care. After all their maid, Rocky's mom, cared for her like she's her own daughter. Even with her parents' weird concoctions and confusing formulas, they were a happy family.

So why did Yoo Youngjae have to take it all away from her?

She wanted to shout, but her mouth was gagged. She couldn't say anything, and only let her heart pound as protest towards this whole thing.

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