The Birthday Boy

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Marks POV


Today was special I official had Jack for 6 months. Our relationship was great. I haven't asked him on a date thought... because of the whole Master and servant, and the occasional Daddy and Babe or BABY!(lol had too) I want to, but with his past still kind of unknown to me. Its hard. I don't know what how he would react to sustain things. Or who that best friend of his was. Sometimes I just want to hold him in my arms. Today was also special.

It was my birthday. I was turing old... I don't think Jack knows, I don't really want him to. Don't get me wrong. I want him to know, but I want him to focus on himself and get better, and heal, and feel loved; since it was all taken away when he was younger. He never got spoiled. It was my plan to do it too.

If he wanted to suck me Dick. I would let him... depending on where we were and the time... but he would if he wanted. I mean of course our relationship shouldn't be evolved around sex, so I want to give him everything thats good and bad about a relationship.

I was downstairs cooking breakfast for Jack. I was making a cake. Now your wondering why I'm making a cake for breakfast. I'm making a cake for breakfast because thats what food Jack first ate here 6 months ago. He was naked and in his Kawaii form, but thats not the point. I finished the cake, and put the icing on. I washed my hands and went to go wake up Jack. When I was about to open the door heard scribbling, and.... humming? I slowly opened the door to see Jack in his Kawaii form, coloring on a piece of paper.

"Hey Ja-" I said but was interrupted by him screaming.

"You scared the poop out of me Marki!" He said in cute adorable small voice.

"I'm sorry Jackaboy...what you doing?" I asked him. His eyes shot open and quickly picked up the paper and crayons and ran past me. He dropped a crayon on the way out.... red. Wonder what he was doing? I saw him walking out of the kitchen with his eyes wide open.

"Daddy! You made us a cake!" He said running up to me.I picked him up and kissed his forehead.

"Yes I did. You've been with me for 6 months now... I wanted to celebrate." I said.

"Daddy I love you!" Jack said.

"I love you too Jackaboy. My life was grey before your smile came and made my life a bright green." I said.

"Why bright green?" Jack said.

"Because of your bright. green. hair." I said. He blushed and giggled hiding his head inside the crook of my neck.

"I need to go to the restroom. Love you daddy!!!" Jack said. I put him down and he ran off to the bathroom. I turned the T.V onto his favorite show and went to the kitchen to get us a slice of cake. When I came back Jack was still in the bathroom. Does he have anapest stomach? Oh.. God if he does I-I'll. 

"Jack everything okay in there?" I asked.

I heard water turn on and splashing noise. The water turned off and a couple of seconds went by before jack walked out again.

"S-Sorry... I took to long..." Jack said.

"Don't say sorry Jack.." I said picking him up. Damn he's adorable. "Did you have an upset tummy?" I asked. He shook his head.

"I was too short to reach the sink, so I had to morf... which means I have to take off my clothes... and.... yeah..." He said.

"Oh... well I'm glad your alright." I said happily. I saw a piece of paper behind his back and I asked him "Whats that white paper behind your back?" I put him down and he walked over to the table in the middle of the room. 

He stood up on it and took the paper from behind his back. I walked over to him and he looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes of his. His tail was swaying nervously. He handed me the sheet of paper. I looked at it and immediately smiled. It was a birthday card for me. It was drawn with me and him on the front. It was drawn like a small child would do it. My person was a stick figure and had, what I presumed, a flannel shirt on with jeans. His person appeared many times. One a green kitten, and it was by my feet. The second one was him as he looked now, but with one of my gray t-shirts on; that was way to big for him. His tail was wrapped around my leg. The third figure was him in his Adeko form. His tail was wrapped around my waist and was kissing my cheek. The fourth figure was him in his Hidden form. Behind me, he was kissing my other cheek.(This is just the cover) 

"Jack.... this is so thoughtful of you!" I said kissing him on the lips. He smiled and kissed me back.

"Theres more on the back." He said blushing.

I flipped the card over and saw a letter written in green and red.... our colors. (This letter includes misspelling to make it cuter!) It read:

Dear Mark, Markiplier, Daddy, Master,

         I love you so much. You have made my life so much better than befor. 

You are the icng to my cake! I love how you tak care of me and love me fore 

who I am. I can't believe its your birthday, I am so ecited to celibrate a birtday. 

Its my first time to celibrate one! I am glad my first one is wit you. Plus I had a lot

of fists. My fists love, crush, master, daddy, and sex. It was    good   by the way.... 

I hop to spend mor time wit you.

Love, Jack, Jacksepticeye, Babe, Séan

I picked Jack up and set him on the couch. I kissed him on his lips, cheek, nose, and ears. 

"Your mine... you know that right?" I said.

"Yea..." He said giggling.

"Good. I love you." I said.

"Love you too Daddy!"

The Neko Jack~ A Septiplier Fanfiction *Editing in progress*Where stories live. Discover now