Kitty and Kawaii

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Marks POV
Jack went and stood behind the couch. He closed his eyes and breathed in and out slowly.
"Okay so this may be a little weird.. but I want you to know that... I'm not normal. I mean besides the cat ears and tail... I'm something people like the government tester on, used, abused, and would kill to have. So let me start by saying I'm a Neko. I'm a human cat. So I know this sounds utterly crazy, but you see the proof. I am also a shape shifter. Or I guess you could call it morfing. Now when I walk from the back of this couch. I want you to look at my neck and check for a tattoo... Okay? Here goes nothing..."

He bends down behind the couch and after a couple of seconds a green cat appears from behind the couch. It meows and runs towards you with its little legs as fast as it can. It tries to jump on the couch... But... Fails miserably and lands on its face. It paws its face and gets up. It pats your pants with its paw and you pick it up. You set it on your lap and pull back some fur to check for a tattoo. A tattoo is there. It's says Subject 03 A.T.F  Morf: Kitty. You run between its ears and it purrs. You pick it up and nuzzle its nose.
"So are you Jack...?"
"Umm.... This is an adorable... Form... Your eyes shin really brightly in this form too."

He licks your face and wiggles from your grasp. He hops down and runs behind the couch. You hear the rustle of clothes and out from behind the couch comes the little boy form you've seen. He is in the flannel shirt and no pants because they are way to big. He hopes on the couch and sits on your lap. He pulls down his collar so you can see the back of his neck. There is a tattoo that says Subject 03  Morf: Kawaii. He lets go of his collar and turn to face you ( fluff warning) his hands pressed down on your member and you tried to hold in a moan.
"Master If I tell you about myself will you tell me about yourself?"
His eyes become the brightest blue you've seen and you smile and hug him.
"Yes... But I have questions after." You say
He nods and explains." So my parents.... I don't know them never did, besides a picture they gave me. All I knew is that my parents fell in love and while I was in my mommies tum-tum~ that they messed with my and injected some sort of these things called.... Geans? I think that's what their called. Well I know that after I was born my parents died mysteriously. So they raised me and watched me. They wouldn't let me play, or scratch anything. They only wanted me to do exercises and to meditate and stuff. But once I was 15 they started to get angry and started hitting me and leaving me without food for days. They would chain me up and even put a tattoo on me. The one you see now... It went on for 5 years before they finally let me have a little slack... That's when my life went from worse to worserer!"

The Neko Jack~ A Septiplier Fanfiction *Editing in progress*Where stories live. Discover now