Mark . . .

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Okay so there is one more chapter before the end of this book!! I know! I know.. NOOOOOOO Don't fret there is a second book coming out soon, but I need a cover! So if you wanna help with that.. it would be well appreciated. So this chapter is sad, but it gets BETTER in the next chapter. Trust me... MUHAHAHA or should I say NYAHAHAHA

1 year anniversary of Mark being Jacks Master and Mark finding Jack.

Jacks POV

Hehe! Today is our 1 year anniversary! I decided to make cards in each of my forms.. so he will be getting 4 cards from me. For the past couple of days Mark has been acting weird though. It started actually like 3 months ago, but he acts weird when he is stressed, so I made sure to make sure that his life was as stress free as possible. But he keeps going out with his friends almost every day and won't tell me why. It makes me wonder what they really are doing while they are out. He always comes back like normal. But one day he came back with new cologne on, and he wasn't acting right. He wasn't drunk, he was completely sober. I never got told what happened. I mean I wish that I knew at least if he was cheating on me or something, cause this is what it feels it. Like for instance one night he didn't come home and I cried myself to sleep. He came home the next morning and had the nerve to comfort me after he disappeared! It just makes me wonder if I am good enough for him... And I gave up last week for waiting for him to come back and eat with me. Terrible, I know. But you get tired of waiting... I want my old boyfriend back. Plus he hasn't even had sex with me over these past months. Oh and one time he came home and locked himself in the bathroom crying... He had to get a new door for the bathroom after that.... Hehe. But most days these past couple of months I cry myself to sleep. But when Cry comes over he helps me. He comes over everyday and helps me. He started coming after if figured out Mark wasn't there to take care of me.

Right now actually me and Cry are in the house cleaning. I told him he didn't have too, but he insisted. Also he has to run to the store for me, cause I don't wanna be possibly seen by the old lab people. But while Mark was gone I did YouTube and my skills and subscribers were growing rapidly. My favorite series to do is HAPPY WHEEEEELLSSS!!!! It makes me forget about everything when I am on YouTube as Jacksepticeye.

"Babe!" I hear a door open. It's Mark... Home earlier than usual.... "I have some news!"

I look at Cry and sigh... Why now... Why when the only person who brings me true happiness right now is here helping me. Cry is my brother... why can't he just leave me... Alone. Thats it.. I've had it.

"WHAT MARK! WHAT DO YOU WANT NOW!" I yelled at him. He stopped right in his tracks. I didn't have to see him to know.

"Jack... I'm... I'm sorry... I'm sorry.. Did upset you...?" Mark had the nerve to ask! I broke down crying there... I couldn't take it anymore.

"Mark... why'd you leave me? Why'd you leave everyday. You don't know how many times I've cried myself to sleep...Y-you don't understand how I've felt... Have you been cheating on me!!!!"

"Jack... I'm sorry.... I have a reason... babe let me explain.. please. Let me explain... I'm sorry... I didn't know I hurt you so badly..." Mark said hugging me.

"Why'd ya leave me Mark?" I said sniffling. Cry must have left because I heard his car start.

"You'll see tonight. For now can you trust me? It'll be worth it." Mark said. I nodded.

"But first..." I said. I raised my hand and slapped him. It hurt me so much to hurt him, but he damn right deserved it. I was going to go to what he wanted tonight... wether it hurt or not. I was going and I was determined to figure out why he left me.

So that day I got ready and ignored him all day.... No matter what. I didn't cook his food, or anything... I can tell it pained him, but the pain he felt is only a part of what I have been feeling for these past couple of months. So when it was to leave I just got in his car and waited.

The Neko Jack~ A Septiplier Fanfiction *Editing in progress*Where stories live. Discover now