chapter 2

489 14 8

연주 ??

Yeonjoo ??

Gikwang's POV

*ringgggg~* the school's bell rings as a sign to go home . 

I was walking towards the school's gate while having a small fight with this tiny head, Yoseob. Suddenly I spotted Yeonjoo at the gate waiting for someone as she keep on looking at her watch. 

" Yah ! I'm not short you know ! I'm tall too ~ Perhaps taller than you !! ", Yoseob said with an annoying tone of his .

" Aniyo* . I'm much much taller than you. Am I right, Yeonjoo-ah ? ", it's so irritating so I began to search up for my backup .

but unfortunately, she just gave me a frown face . 

Did I just said something wrong ?

( Aniyo* means no )

Yunhee's POV

School was over, but I had to wait for Mijoo cause she's busy with something, Again. *sigh* I keep on looking at my watch as I really dislike being late and I really am so wanna go home right now .

As I was waiting, I saw Gikwang and Yoseob fighting over something . They were so immature to fight against something foolishly so I don't mind them at all . 

Out of a blue, Gikwang was talking to me, " Aniyo* . I'm much much taller than you. Am I right, Yeonjoo-ah ? ", I frowned .

Who's Yeonjoo ? He's talking to me, right ?

I cleared my throat and correct him, " Perhaps you got the wrong person or it's just happens to be my name is Choi YUNHEE not Yeonjoo " 

Yoseob laughed

" Yah ! You told me her name is Yeonjoo ! How could you fool me !!! ", He was scolded by the red face Gikwang .

Omo omo ! They're just so cute .


" You know what ! He's really handsome !! Omg ! I saw him practice. Ohh ! You should come with me tomorrow and watch the game .", Mijoo squeal in delight.

Here I am, stuck in my own room while unwillingly to hear every rants about Mijoo's major secret crush at late night .

It's just a Yoon Doojoon oh my !

" Mimi-yah, no I can't. I'm busy tomorrow. "

"Ahh, jebal* Yun. Just this time only. Please please please~ My Cutie Bunny Yunhee~"

Abeoji always called me Bunny. Jinja neomu bogoshippeo*  :'

" Arrasso*. But just this time, ok ?"

" Cool ! "

~~After I hung up with Mijoo, , I stared outside and looked at the stars from the window. All the sweet memories that I had with Abeoji flooded back into my head. I miss that moment. I wish Abeoji was still here. 

Bogoshipeo~~ Abeoji .

( Jebal* means please )

(Bogoshippeo* means I miss you)

(Arasso* means alright)

The next day ~~

" Goalllllll !!!! Yah, Yun ! Did you see that!  Did you see that ! Doojoonie oppa score !!! ", Mijoo said with full of enthusiasm while I just rolled my eyes.

It's damn boring. I never love soccer though. 

 " Yunhee, Mijoo, Annyeong ~! ", suddenly Yoseob sat beside me . 

I just smile at him .

" So, you watch soccer games ? ",he asked me.

He probably noticed that my soul wasn't here with me watching these people.

" Well, I'm being dragged by Mimi so yeah . "

 " Ooohh, it made sense. I came just to watch Gikwang tho. and my other chingu . "

" Gikwang-sshi ? Soccer ? "

" Yeah. Look ! " , he pointed to that boy with a number 10 Jersey who played diligently.

" Ahhh, I see. ", I didn't know Gikwang could play soccer.

" Wanna grab some ice-cream with me after the game ? Mijoo also. " ,Yoseob offer.

I nodded but Mijoo was too concentrate on the game to answer .

" Mimi....Mimi-yah~~ "

It got on my nerves already. I felt like screaming. -_-

" YAH KIM MIJOO ! " ,I half shouted.

" WHAT ! You don't need to shout ok ! "

" I've been calling your name for the past 3 minutes already . "

" But Doojoonie~ " ,she mercilessly pout .


" Doojoon Doojoon Doojoon.*sigh* As I were saying, let's go and have ice cream after this . "

" Arrasso ", she said not even bother to look at me.

" Doojoon Hyung ? Mijoo likes him ?" ,Yoseob asked while lifting his eyebrow.

" Well, yeah. Obsessed with him I might say . "

" Ouhh " , he sigh with a sad expression.

It confused me though.

Did Yoseob have a 'thing' on Mimi ??

Yoseob's POV

So Mijoo likes Doojoon Hyung, huh ? *sigh*


Author's Note;

Annyeong ! Yun is back ! So, how's the second chapter so far ? Woooohhh~ Yoseobie likes Mijoo ? It have been revealed finally . If you shipped YoseobXMijoo so stay tune for how Yoseobie gonna capture Mijoo's heart ! Don't forget to Vote & Comment ❤ !


Choi Yunhee (oc)

Lee Gikwang

Kim Mijoo

Yang Yoseob

New casts !

Yoon Doojoon

-School's soccer captain, a friend of Yoseob&Gikwang

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