chapter 5

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Gikwang's POV

It is recess time, so Yoseob and I head straight to the canteen. On our way, one by one we catch up with our friends and Jang Sunmi;Hyunseung's cousin tagged along with us . She's pretty but more to the cute side. Small tiny body, short black hair, and her face is round with small features with a pale pinkish skin. It's weird though, she looks more like she is Yoseob's cousin than Hyunseung's .

We had a small chit chat with Sunmi asking many things about her life in Japan. It's quite interesting though since I never really go to Japan before.

As we grab our lunch, I saw Yoseob quickly sit beside Yunhee who is eating her bread alone . I'm settled in my seat just across them but my eyes aren't settled . They are talking and laughing .

What are they laughing about ??

Suddenly, Hyunseung join them. I wanna join them too but I'm too tense and nervous to approached her now.

Am I jealous right now ? Is it the feeling of love ?

Mijoo came out of the blue, and dragged Yunhee away. *sigh* I had no chance then.

Yunhee's POV

" Mianhae, I didn't told you earlier about my plan. I know you aren't that comfy with Sunmi presence that's why I dragged you here, Yun.",Mijoo explained as soon as we're settled on a bench in our scool's garden .

" Gomawo Mimi ! You just saved my life! ", I gave her a tight hug .

I love warm hugs. Sometimes I unreasonably throwing hugs at Mijoo. Hugs were the most comfort thingy to do.

" Where did you go all this time when you always missing, Mimi ? ",I'm curiously asking her while slowly releasing the hug.

" I knew it, you'll ask me someday", she sighed .

" You aren't just stalking Doojoon Sunbae right ?"

I knew it there's something she hide from me.

" Ne. I'm actually running away from someone ."

" Who ? "

It won't be Yoseob right ? Why would they avoid each other.

" It's J-Jaerimie . ",she hesitately answered.

Upon hearing her name, I frozed.

" Jae ? Song Jaerim ? ",I asked to check whether I heard it right or wrong.

Mijoo nodded.

Song Jaerim. Jae for short. Once was mine and Mijoo's friend. We always had been together since 7 years old . We always stick together. MiJaeYun ALWAYS together but one day, everything has changed .


When Mijoo, Jaerim and I were on our last year of middle school, Jaerim had one worst experienced in her life which was losing her Eomma. It's the same year as when my Abeoji left me. Mijoo had tried everything she can to cheer us up . Weirdly, I didn't cried. Maybe it shocked me so much till I don't have any emotions left . So I tried to cheer Jaerim up along with Mijoo but the problem was ...

" Go away Yun ! Go away ! ",Jaerim shouted at me in disgusted.

" Jaerimie calm down .",Mijoo tried to pull Jaerim self back together.

" CALM DOWN ?!! You said calm down , Mimi ?! How am I gonna calm myself down when the daughter of the murderer of my eomma is here ! RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME !! "

Yes. That one night, Abeoji was driving his car on the way home, suddenly the car lose it's control and crashed with another car which happened to be Jaerim's Eomma. They both didn't survived and died after 2 days in the hospital.

" From now on, I, Song Jaerim will never ever be friends with Choi Yunhee and Kim Mijoo ."

MiJaeYun's friendship had just ended there.

*End Flashback*

It still haunting me and Mijoo. Our friendship broken still haunting us.

Sometimes I felt guilty to Mijoo because it's literally all my fault. Jaerim hates me and then hates Mijoo also.

" B-but why ? Was she hurting you ?",I asked cause worried if anything happened to Mijoo.

" No. Nothing happened. I'm just scared. She's been glaring at me for the past few days. Mianhae, I didn't tell anything about it "

" Gwaenchanha. As long as you are okay now."

Now it made me more worry. If anything happens to Mijoo, it will be all my fault. Jaerim now is the school's Queenka. She's rebellious and more dangerous than the Kingkas. Like the Kingkas only flirt and plays with women's heart . Meanwhile, the Queenkas will do anything for their own benefits. ANYTHING .*sigh*


As usual, I'm going home with Gikwang and there he was waiting for me like always because our class are different.

" Hmm I think we should wait for Mijoo today . It's okay right ? ",I asked him.

" Sure. If you wanna go home with Mijoo sometimes, just ask. I could go home by myself. "

" Aniyo, I just had this feeling that we need to wait for her today. "

Yes, I need to..


Author's Note;

Annyeong ! Chap 5 updated ! Oooohhhh~~~ Gikwang is jealous hehehe. About the hug thingy, I do love hugs ! I always hug my mom and lil' sis and also my 'girl' friends. It's comforting . Anyway, this chap tells you about Mimi and Yun's past and reveal about how Yun's father died. *sob* *sob* Don't forget to VOTE & COMMENTS❤❤

***Anyway, you can request a ONESHOT in honor of it my first eva fanfic ( 'SLEEPOVER' feat Onew ) had reached 500++ views ! Just comment down below your requests ! ❤


Choi Yunhee

Lee Gikwang

Kim Mijoo

Yang Yoseob

Son Dongwoon

Yoon Doojoon

Yong Junhyung

Jang Hyunseung

Jang Sunmi

Kim Jonghyun

New !

Song Jaerim

-School's Queenka, used to be besties with Mijoo and Yunhee.

You and Me // Gikwang ✔✔Where stories live. Discover now