chapter 22

119 7 1

두려운 편지


" every happiness has its own sorrow "

Hyunseung's POV

Pain. My heart is full of pain. Seeing them together made it worse. I can't take off my eyes from them. They were chasing each other playfully and happily. They're happy meanwhile I'm not. I just can't do anything about it. My brain seems to be so slow for it to work eversince Yunhee rejected me.


" so, what it is that you wanna tell me ? ", I asked Yunhee.

She told me to meet her here, the school's garden aterschool. I can't wait to here that she take me as her Boyfriend.

" mianhae. sunbae. I can' your Girlfriend. mianhaeo jeongmal. let's stay as friends.",my heart just broke into pieces.

Present time~

" Well, well. What do we have here ? A sad Hyunseung with a broken heart.",Hyosung said with a smirk.

I turn around and saw the Queenka's approaching me.There's only a reason for them to confront me and I know it why.

" What do you want Hyosung ?! ",I just glare at her in disgust.

" Oppa, I know how heartbroken you are so we're here to help you. ", she said with a devilish smile.

" Tch. Help ? I don't need any dirty help from any of you. Especially the Heartless Queen.", I scoff while looking at Song JaeRim when I'm making a remark.

" Well, we don't need your help either ! Tch. Better be sorry later ! ",Hyosung indeed fuming now.

Later on they scurry off. I just mentally scoff and I totally can see how helpless Jaerim was.

Actually, to compare Jaerim with Jieun, I pick Jaerim for the nicest person ( by heart of course ) out of the queenkas. It just her insecurities.

" I guess, I have to help YunKwang now . Knowing Hyosung, she's definitely into something. "

Yunhee's POV

After my sneaky plan launched yesterday, I can't stop smiling. I felt happy like before. Those sparks in my eyes show it's a truly happy vibes.

I open my locker to take out my Biology book and found a piece of letter on top of the stacks of the book.

The sender must have slid it through the hole of my locker.

I open the letter and begin to read as it says that..,

You ain't gonna wear that idiotic smile forever.

You won't get to see his face anymore.

Why ?

Cause you had took something precious from me.

Better stay away from him.

Ignore this, then suit yourself

cause you gonna pay for it.


The letter were wrote big and bold in red marker pen.

Did I just got a dreaded letter ?!

I quickly took my Biology book and slam my locker door shut. I walk fast and search for Mijoo.

S.O.S. HELP !!!!

I rush to my Bio class and was greeted by the Queenkas .

Oh great ! What now ?!

" Yah midget ! You better watch out . ",Hyosung warn with a smirk.

I stay silent while my eyes wander and land on Jaerim's eyes. I see, she's helpless. The sadness in her eyes.

Suddenly, someone grab my wrist and pull me. I looked over and it was KIM JONGHYUN .

" Just thank me later, babe. ",he whisper and drag me into our class.

Lucky for me, the Queenkas are not in any of my classes. I'm safe.

" Thanks Jong ",I grin at him.

He's indeed my lifesaver !

Mijoo glance over at me. She's worried. I just gave her the I'm-fine-look with a smile on top then focus on my class.

Gikwang's POV

Today, Hyosung being EXTRA clingy to me. It annoyed me to the core. I just hope that Yunhee won't misunderstand everything again. I on my way to search for my girl and here she is clinging on my arm.

" Oppa. Since you're single, can I be your yeoja chingu . ^^ ",she's making that puppy eyes again.

Single ? Well yes. People still didn't and won't know my relationship . I know it's bad for Yunhee but it's just my insecurities .

I cringe at the word yeoja chingu. Seriously. This woman is MAD !

" Mian, Hyosung-sshi . No. You can't be my girlfriend. ",I say politely.

That got Hyosung in shock.

" Awwhhh oppa ~ Jebal~ I wanna be your yeoja chingu. I promise to be the best girl you ever wish for. "

The best girl I ever wish for is Yunhee.

" There's a lot more people out there that loves you. Just pick the Kingkas or your fans. Why me ? ", I yank her hand away.

Just guess what . Yunhee's there. Witnessed everything for god damn sake again ! I rush over to her side with a delight smile in hope she won't get it wrong.

Hyosung's POV

Just wait Yunhee. Just wait. You seems to ignore my warnings and you're soooo gonna get it.


Author's Note;

Sadly to annouce that ...THE END IS NEAR ! I'm still drafting the chapters And plotting the perfect end.Hope you guys still there reading this book till the end !  Saranghae readers !

Cast ;

Lee Gikwang

Choi Yunhee

Jang Hyunseung

Kim MiJoo

Yang Yoseob

Jun Hyosung

Kim Jonghyun

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