chapter 19

165 8 3

포옹과 입맞춤


Gikwang's POV

It was a cold night yet I was still strolling around with my coat. I'm wandering through the city while my mind also wandering elsewhere.

Yunhee's POV

Enjoying the cool breeze wasn't a good idea since I literally didn't like winter that much. Winter just made me sad despite of sad vibes everywhere. Sighing.

The only reason I was out was to pick up Mijoo's stuff . She could do it by herself if she didn't decide to be a rebel and being grounded for a week. At least, that's what she told me.

Gikwang's POV

I keep on walking but suddenly like it is a fate that I have to meet her right now. Her as in Yunhee. My track just stop all of a sudden. She stopped hers too. Both of us staring at each other in the middle of the sidewalk. Suddenly I remember what Mijoo had told me.

She walk an inch closer, then slowly approaching me. I froze, didn't know what to do. When there's only a few inch left between us, I really thought she gonna slap me or something cause her gaze didn't left mine. Instead of a slap, she hug me and buried her face in my chest. A really tight hug I might say. Like by instict my arms hug her back. Inhaling her scents that I'm longing for.

" Mianhae. Jeongmal mianhae Gikwang-ah .",she apologies between sobs.

Suddenly tears started to form. She let go of the tight hug and hold onto both of my hands while looking straight into my eyes.

" Mianhae. I shouldn't have been acting like this. I should have been listening to you first. I actually rejected Hyunseung-sunbae because I love you. Only you.",She said between tears .

" I-I-I.. ",I cut her off by kissing her.

" Nado Mian. ",I gave her a small smile.

Yunhee's POV

When Gikwang kiss me, it felt like I finally have my life back. Meeting him here at this time round wasn't what I plan for but fate wanted us to be back together. I really broke down in tears once I saw him upclose. There was something that made me brave enough to approach him, to hold him.

It feels good to be back together.

I smile. I finally can smile like before.

" Uljima. I wanna see your cute face.",he wipe my tears off.

I giggle shyly. Trying hard not to blush.

" Feels good to be back. ",he said happily while taking my hands in his and clutch it tightly as if I gonna run away.

His eyes formed into two thin lines as he is smiling so brightly . Seeing his smile was yet the best thing ever.

Then, we walk hand in hand searching for the bus stand so we can go home.

" You know what ?! ",I begin.

" Their plan worked this time.",I said while reffering to Mijoo and Yoseob.

" Yeah. We should thank them tommorow. ",he chuckle lightly.

" or maybe not. ",I gave him my sneaky mischievous look.

" You got something in your mind right ? ",he narrow his eyes at me.

I just nod.

" You sneaky little fox.",he ruffled my hair.

I laugh a little.

Third POV


Without they knowing, there's someone who saw them together with a broken heart and at the same time anger and disgust built up inside.


Author's Note;

Yunhee; *gasp* there's someone looking !

Gikwang; who would it be ?!

MiSeob; Obviously, it wasn't any of us.

Author; meet us on the next chapter to find out ! ♡


Lee Gikwang

Choi Yunhee

Jang Hyunseung

Kim Mijoo

Yang Yoseob

You and Me // Gikwang ✔✔Where stories live. Discover now