chapter 11

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Gikwang's POV

It was school day again. I'm sitting at the usual spot that I took in the bus meanwhile Yunhee back to her original seat. I could feel that she's nervous, and so do I.

At school, I tried my best to avoid her.Well, it wasn't that hard since we don't have the same class.

Unfortunately, I failed. I forgot that we go home together. As we walk, both of us kept in silent. The atmosphere seems awkward. We both sigh;almost at the same time.

" Aren't you gonna say anything ? ",she suddenly ask with hope to make a conversation.

" say what ? ",I'm hesitating with my own answer.

" *sigh* nothing "

" umm, are you free this weekend ? "

" Molla . Waeyo ?"

" I think that if you free, we could go to the book fair at the mall. I wanna buy comics though. "

"Hmm, let me think, then I'll text you later."

" Arasso ."

Well that comes out awkward.

Yunhee's POV

Gikwang asked me on a date !

In my opinion, it's seriously cray and wasn't it too soon to go on a date ?!! Half of me said I should grab the chance but my other half said I should just cancel it.

I ruffle my hair in frustration. At last, I made a decision to sleep .

Mijoo's POV

Today Yunhee was a bit different. Whenever Gikwang was near I could felt the tense atmosphere.

I wonder if something happened.

I shrug and walk to my locker leaving Yunhee behind so she and Gikwang would be awkwardly together.

Yes ! I know I'm evil ~ kekekeke

I began to load in some books and took my homeworks home when suddenly a piece of letter fell at the tip of my shoe. I picked it up and gasp after reading its content.

Omo ! It's a love letter !

Before I had the time to finish reading the letter..

" Mimi ! " ,Yoseob wave at me and approaching towards my direction.

I quickly shoved the letter inside my bag and shut my locker hurriedly after, just in time before he reach me .

Since the bully encounter, Yoseob will always accompany me almost everywhere I went;whenever Yunhee wasn't around. It's creepy but he assume that he does that to protect me. Just how sweet he is.

" I'm sorry for late. ",he apologise.

" Gwaenchanha ~"

He looks cute.

I mentally wanna slap myself for thinking like that.

Suddenly, I saw a hand in front of my eyes . He snap me back to the reality.

I must have look dumb when I suddenly froze. Dayum Mimi !

He laugh at me a little and I gave him a small apologetic smile.Then we began walking home together.

Yoseob's POV

I purposely went out of the class a bit late than usual . I walk silently along the corridor to meet Mijoo. I saw her still at the locker while holding books and read a letter.

That's my letter !

My eyes bulging out. I didn't expect for her to read it on the spot.

" Mimi ! ",I wave at her to prevent her from reading the letter any further.

Thankfully she didn't ignore me and rushed packing up her bag.


Early in that morning, I walk along the corridor towards Mijoo's locker . Once I made sure that there's nobody watching, I slid in a letter inside her locker. Then, quickly I rushed to the canteen to meet my friends.

I hope she will accept my love letter.

I invited her to go for a movie this Friday. I hope she'll be there. It's kinda like a date though and this was the only chance for me to confess despite of all the nervousness .

*end flashback*

Mijoo's POV

I went inside my room, drop my bag on the floor and plopped myself down . I began rummaging inside my beg and took out the letter that I received earlier. I open the green envelope and took out its content;a grey paper . I read it for the second time but this time, I let the word sank properly in me.

( The love letter )

( The love letter )

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( The love letter )

I wonder who is Y.YS. hmm ~

" Should I go ? ",I began to ask myself.

" It won't hurt if I go, right ? At least I know my secret admire."

Soon, I pick out the clothes that I plan to wear for tomorrow and hang it with a hanger. Then, I slept.

I can't wait for weekend to come.


Author's Note;

Annyeong ~ what will happen with YunKwang, next ? Wait a bit, arasso ? *wink*


Choi Yunhee

Lee Gikwang

Kim Mijoo

Yang Yoseob

Yoon Doojoon

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