chapter 17

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Yunhee's POV

When I got home, I went straight to my room and buried my tearful eyes and my face full with streaks of tears on the pillows. I cried some more. The pain in my heart is way too much.

" Yun~ Let's eat. ",Eomma knocked on my door.

" I-I'm not h-hungryyy. *sob* ",my voice cracked.

" Neo gwaenchanha ? Yun-ah . "

" Nae "

I stayed inside my room until night. I didn't even went to the kitchen to eat. Eomma been worried sick and so does Mijoo. She came and kept on persuading me to come out of my room.

I decided to sleep. I'm physically and mentally tired.


3 days had passed. Gikwang and I are still not in a good term. Both ignoring and avoiding each other. MiSeob had been trying to get us back together but their effort didn't give a good result cause we're just the same.

It was midnight and I'm still wide awake. I don't know why I can't sleep though. I'm shifting on the bed from right to left. Turn every position I can but still I couldn't sleep. My mind was preoccupied with a lot of things and mostly about Gikwang . I sigh. I gave up from sleeping and put on my earphone in my ears and turn on some music. I listen to the song while looking at the stars from my bedroom's window.

Tossing and turning

All night, I count the stars as I try to sleep

But you twinkle and dazzle so much

That whether I eat or drink coffee

Whether I watch TV, whether I laugh or cry

It's like you're next to me

( Davichi - Beside Me )

Meanwhile ~

Gikwang's POV

I avoid everyone at school. Even recess I spent it at the rooftop and sometimes at the library. Ignoring Yunhee wasn't that easy and same goes to avoid her. I felt a bit guilty but angry at the same time whenever I saw her.

I sigh and listen to my mp3 as I couldn't sleep .

I don't want to talk about things that have passed but

I guess I really liked you a lot

I keep thinking of you, I kept missing you more

As time goes by

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