chapter 23

141 10 1



Yunhee's POV

After class, Mijoo and Sunmi approach me. Asking whether I'm okay or not . I just convince them that I'm just fine and the Queenkas do no harm to me. They immediately buy it . phew ! I just don't want to drag them in my problems again. They already done too much for me.

It's time to move solo !

I walk to my locker and again I witness Gikwang and Hyosung together. This time I just watch and not backing away. I trust him enough that nothings happen.

As on cue.

" Baby ~ " , a husky voice whisper to my ears .

I turn around and greet by a pair of pleading eyes. I only sigh and smile. Then I walk away leaving Dumbkwang at my locker.

" Yah ! Choi Yunhee ! ",he yell in frustration.

I let out a small chuckle.

Deep inside I'm afraid that something bad gonna happen. A pair of staring eyes burn holes at my back. I can feel it. This time it wasn't Gikwang's but Hyosung's eyes. The smile from my face drop just by the thought.

I came back to the reality when someone grab my wrist. That person spun me around so I face whoever it was. I silently pray in my heart;please don't let it be Hyosung. Thankfully it wasn't her.

" Yunhee, I need to talk about something. ",Hyunseung said.

" Sure, why not ? "

" You better watch out with Hyosung. It's not safe especially to walk around alone. Who knows what she plan to get you. I-I'm just concern about you. "

He worried about me.

" I know. And I'll try to stay safe. Thanks Sunbae . ",I gave him a smile.

Suddenly, " Yunhee ! "

Came by Gikwang, pouting.

" See you around ! ", with that Hyunseung left us.

" I can expl-", before Gikwang can finish his words, I put a finger on his lips and shook my head.

" No need, I understand. ", I gave him a smile.

Surprisingly, he hug me. My eyes widen in shock since he hug me publically. Even though I enjoyed it but I need to break the hug before the devil sees us.


Jaerim's POV

I look at Hyosung who had on her devilish smirk eversince we came back from school.

I smell trouble.

" Can you please tell us why you've been smiling all over ? Did Gikwang finally fell for you ? ",Clueless Jieun, ask.

" Well nope. Just not yet. But soon he'll be mine. ",Hyosung reply.

" You have something on your mind right, Hyo ? ",I finally spoke.

She face me with her of-course-look and that's already gave it away.

" Don't you think, you should just let it slide, Hyosung ah ? ,Jieun ask.

" You guys don't need to butt in. I have my way. Just help me when I need. Arasso ?"

And that, scare me the most. Hyosung can do anything. Anything including killing just to get what she want.

Yun ah, please stay safe.


Mijoo's POV

I was happily enjoying my brunch with Yoseob and the guys when suddenly Sunmi spoke.

" Have you guys notice that Yunhee is kinda avoid us, lately ? Scratch that, I mean, today."

I frown.

" Maybe noona just need some alone time with Gikwang Hyung. ",Dongwoon said.

" Gikwang ? Why would she ? ",Doojoon scoff.

" Well it's obvious that they have been spending time together a lot.",Dongwoon explain.

" That's a maybe but who knows she's actually in trouble. ",a slap landed on Junhyung's back.

" Yah ,Hyung ! How could you say that !",my Seobbie whine.

While being protective he looks cute.

" I'm sure she's fine, guys . " ,I tried to assure them but inside, I'm hella worried.

I hope so.



Lee Gikwang

Choi Yunhee

Jang Hyunseung

Kim Mijoo

Yang Yoseob

Jang Sunmi

Jun Hyosung

Song Jaerim

Lee Jieun

Son Dongwoon

Yoon Doojoon

Yong Junhyung

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