chapter 21

144 8 1

비열한 여우


Mijoo's POV

Yunhee didn't ride the bus today. Which is weird cause she rarely skip school and her Eomma is too busy with her flower shop to send her off.

" Have you seen Yunhee ?", The first thing I do upon arrived at school, I ask Yoseob.

" She's at the garden with Dongwoon. ",he sigh.

I frown.

" Waeyo ? ",I ask.

" I think our plan didn't work . She's still the same. Sad and moody. ",He said while looking down.

" No wonder Gikwang also looking lost today. "


The school's bell rang. It's time to go to the class.

"See you later on recess then, Joo~"


Later as Yoseob and I split to our class, I sigh when I entered. I glance over Yunhee. She looked the same.

All those effort were useless.

Yunhee's POV

I could feel Mijoo's gaze on me in class and I'm trying so hard to keep my laughter in.

Kekekeke my plan seems to work.

I try to keep up this act and careful not to be caught.


Recess time is where I'm gonna start the main plan. Inside I am smiling devilishly . I walk with Mijoo and Sunmi to the canteen and suddenly we bump into Yoseob and Gikwang.

Just the way I've planed. Kekekeke

They have the shock face on because they still think it's bad when I meet Gikwang. I walk a step in front and so does him. I could see Yosoeb is confuse of what's going on. I continue with my act and look into Gikwang's eyes with no expression. Suddenly, we couldn't hold it in any longer so we burst our laughter together.

Yoseob's POV

" Yah, kaja ! ",I drag Gikwang with me so he wouldn't get to escape to the rooftop again like he always did evey recess time nowadays.

As we were walking, suddenly we met Yunhee, Mijoo and Sunmi.

Uh-oh. This is not gonna be good.

They stop their track but Yunhee step forward and Gikwang too. Which made me confuse. I raise my eyebrow, signalling Mijoo. She just shrug.

When Yunhee and Gikwang both meet, they laugh all of a sudden.

" Look at how priceless your face are. ",Yunhee laughing while pointing at me.

" You should have seen Mijoo and Sunmi's face. ",Gikwang laugh too.

" Wait ! What is going on here ?! ",Mijoo ask still in confusion.

" Yeah, you guys aren't okay then laughing like there's no more tomorrow. I'm- ",I said as I'm literally speechless.

As soon as they finished laughing. They both smile and get a bit closer to each other. They both look at each other then look at us back . It was like they trying to hint us something but I'm still clueless.

" Omo omo omo ! You guys are back!!!",Sunmi squeal.

" Yes ! ",Yunhee giggle.

" Woah !! Daebak !!! ",Sunmi cheer.

" But, since when ?",I ask .

" Please don't say it was right after the second day. ",Mijoo warn.

" Let just say last night we kinda make it up to each other. That's all you guys need to know. ",Gikwang answer.

" Thanks to you guys too ! Hehehe",Yunhee thank us.

" You guys totally fool us. ",Mijoo said in disbelief.

" It was Gikwang's idea.",Yunhee blurt out and run to Sunmi's side.

" Yah ! It was you who plan it !",Gikwang went after Yunhee.

So Gikwang began to chase after her.

" Shouldn't we who chase them and be mad right now ?", I said.

Mijoo just sigh with a small smile.


Author's Note;

Shall I add new character ?  Who would it be ??


Lee Gikwang

Choi Yunhee

Kim Mijoo

Yang Yoseob

Jang Sunmi

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