chapter 25

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Jaerim's POV

I'm hiding at the back of the wall on the rooftop. I am eyeing the two figure who just walk in from the door.


I knew it Hyo will drag her here.

I watch them from far and just wait for my cue to save her.

Hyosung pin Yunhee until the corner of the building while shouting at her .

" I told you to leave Gikwang and get your filthy hands off him you poor girl ! How dare you ignore my warning ! "

Oh no ! Hyo gonna push her.

My eyes widen. I silently pray for Yunhee's safety. Tears slowly trailling down my cheeks.

Then there's a loud bang ! sound coming from the door which made Hyosung turn around her head and look at where it's coming from . She quickly grab a hold on Yunhee's arm incase someone barge in.

Someone please save her.

Gikwang's POV

Where the hell could that devil drag Yunhee !

I have been running around the school's building searching for her but there's no sign or even a slight glimpse of her. Every classroom, the library and even her favourite spot at the garden I have checked.

After a moment, I snap my finger as I remember something. I once heard that Hyosung threatened a student to push her from the rooftop.

My eyes widen while gasp.

I quickly dash to the rooftop and when I reach the knob, it won't open. I keep banging on the door .


I heard muffle cries.


I repeatly banging on the door and twist the knob in hope it would be open somehow. Thankfully Hyunseung came. 

Well, now isn't the time for jealousy or anything .He's just trying to save her because he care. As a friend.

We took a few steps back and slam our body to the door . We keep on doing the same thing for a few times and the door are knock down.

Here, she was tied with teary eyes while Hyosung hold her body with a knife on her neck.

" You better not come near, Oppa ! A step forward, I'll slice her neck. ",Hyosung treat.

" Let her go, witch ! ",Hyunseung said.

I need to think of a plan. Quick !

Suddenly a figure walk from the corner. I guess that person had been hiding from the wall all this time.

" It won't be fair if one against two, right ? ",Jaerim walk to Hyosung's side with a smirk.

Oh no !

I don't need another Queenka or devil to destroy Yunhee and my life.

Yunhee's POV

I felt relieved knowing that Gikwang and Hyunseung are here to save me . I'm scared to death . Well who doesn't when you're just at the verge of your end .

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