chapter 14

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Mijoo's POV

When everything was just so fine, you wouldn't know something bad gonna happen.

And that happened to me.

It's Monday ! Yunhee been avoiding me eversince that day I blackmailed her. Actually, I've been tryin' to call her but she wouldn't pick up.

It's must be hard for her.

It's recess when I saw her walking with Hyunseung and Sunmi to the canteen. I sigh. I wanna join them but I don't think it was wise to do so I just walk to my locker.

Later when I was walking to my locker to put some books inside, suddenly I bump into someone. All the books I held fell on the floor .

" Mianhae Kim Mijoo-sshi. ",someone with a familiar voice said to me.

That certain someone crouching down along with me to pick up the books . I looked up and saw Song JaeRim smirk evilly to me. I bite my lower lip nervously.

What does she want from me ? And it's not gonna be good.

" I surprise you didn't run from me anymore. ",she folded her arms to her chest and arched her eyebrows.

I remained silent and look down.

" Hey ! Listen ! I don't like doing dirty stuff so just stay away from Doo Oppa, Arasso ?! "

I mentally scoff. As if I'm still chasing him though.

Then, she walk away.

I can't believe it ! She just warned me for something that is useless. *roll eyes*

Little did they don't know, someone had been eavesdropping their conversation.

Yoseob's POV

I'm already at the canteen but can't find Mijoo anywhere. I saw Yunhee with Sunmi and Hyunseung but Mijoo wasn't with them so I decided to go and find her.

Mimi seems a bit off today. All moody and worry. It must be about Yunhee.

I sigh.

When I was about to turn upon the corner, I heard someone talking. I slow down my track and peeked.

Mimi ! Jaerim !

I sense danger.

I saw Mijoo back-facing me while Jaerim talking to her.

".....stay away from Doo oppa, arasso ? ", was all I could heard from Jaerim.

Doojoon ?!

As Jaerim walked away, I hid behind the wall for awhile. When she's completely gone, I began approaching Mijoo. I touch her shoulder lightly and accidentally made her startle.

" Omo Omo !! "

I gave her a heart-warming smile. At least it would made her felt ease. Whatever they were talking about I need to find out .

Yunhee's POV

I was walking home with Gikwang like usual but something just couldn't get off my mind. Made me awfully quite.

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