chapter 24

139 8 1



Yunhee's POV

I came to school today with a sigh.

It just another day of school, Yunhee.

Yesterday was fun, I guess. Spending time with my boyfriend after school. We enjoy each other company by eating ice cream and going to the arcade . He even won me a Bunny plushie.

Flashback ~

" Look ! I won you a Bunny !!! ", exclaimed Gikwang excitedly.

But I just stare at the plushie emotionlessly when he handed it to me. My mind wandered somewhere else.

Just till when this happiness would last ?

" Hey, are you okay baby ? ",he asked with a concern look.

" Nan gwaechanhanyo",I gave him a small smile while received the Bunny.

" Maybe you're just tired. Let's get you back home. "

Maybe, just maybe, that I'm tired. Tired of all of this.

Back to the present~

" Yunhee ! Kaja ! ",Mijoo drag me to our classroom.

Gikwang's POV

I can't being seen with Yunhee ? Well that's not the case. Yunhee who's the one had been acting weird since yesterday and kinda avoid me much. I didn't think it is because of yesterday's event about Hyosung since she forgave me already .

It starts when we're at the arcade. She space out a lot and kept silent. It was like I'm enjoying myself while dragging a soulless body with me. I even won a Bunny plush toy for her to cheer her up but she just kinda faking her smile. I just thought that she's maybe tired . Then I walked her home.

I sigh while entering my next class.

Great ! It's Maths !

I groan.


Mijoo's POV

15 minutes pass recess time and I didn't see any sign of Yunhee . We don't have the same class before recess and there's Jonghyun with his friends which means her class supposed to be finish too.

Calm down Mimi . Don't panic .

" You guys sure, no one had seen Yunhee ? It's been 15 minutes and she hadn't show up. "

" Chill, Joo~ She'll be here in any minute. Maybe she have business to do . ",Yoseob said calmly.

" What are you guys talking about ? ",Hyunseung who just came with a bun in his hand, ask.

" Mijoo is getting paranoid about Yunhee isn't around . ",Doojoon said.

" Yah ! I am not PARANOID ! ",I scream at Doojoon.

" Oppa, Wae ? ",Sunmi asked the shock Hyunseung.

" This is not good . She can't be alone .",Hyunseung murmured.

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