chapter 12

206 11 1

첫 데이트


Yunhee's POV

'Ring ding dong, ring ding dong, ringidingdingidingding ~'

(Ring Ding Dong by SHINee)

My alarm clock woke me up . I turn it off while getting up from bed . I rubmy eyes and walk lazily to the bathroom .

After taking a shower and all freshened up, I put on a pink tank top and a pair of sweatpants. I walk to my desk with my phone in my hand and look at the calender .

" Omo !! ",I exclaimed and almost drop my phone on the floor.

" Jinja ! Today is weekend already ?!! Mwo ??!!~",I frustratedly plopped myself down on the bed and screamed.

Why weekend came so fast ! I really am not ready for the date yet. aishh. What should I do~

"Arrgghhh!!! Waeee ??!!!!",I hit the pillow beside me countless times.

" Yah ! Yah ! Yunnie why did you scream!!! ", Eomma rush inside of my bedroom and scold me .

" ahh- mian . "

After Eomma went out of my room, I hurriedly text Gikwang.

You; Gikwang-ah, mianhae. I can't go to the book fair with you today. Eomma need my help. Mianhae.

Lying is totally wrong but I just had to. *sigh*

Suddenly, there's an incoming message which was not from Gikwang.

HS; Yunhee annyeong ! It's Hyunseung oppa . Wanna go out and watch movie together with Doojoon and me ??

You; Ohh ! Sure !! I would love too !

HS; Meet us at the cinema then .

You; Arasso ! Meet you in an hour .

Ohhh joy ! Movie with Hyunseung and Doojoon sunbae !!

*beep beep*

GK: Ohh, gwaenchanha. See you next Monday !

I rush to the bathroom and start to get ready to go to the cinema .

Gikwang's POV

I woke up early today, feeling all tingly and nervous yet excited cause it's finally Friday ! I supposed to go on a date later with Yunhee. Nothing much just to a book fair. I can't think of any other better places but book fair . Well, at least she loves books so I'm saved.

I already all dressed up casually and ready to go and I decided to surprised her a little by going to her house to pick her up like a gentleman .

Suddenly, there's an incoming message .

YH: Gikwang-ah, mianhae. I can't go to the book fair with you today . Eomma need my help. Mianhae.

You: Ohh, gwaenchanha see you next monday !

My smile just drop. Sadly she can't come.

At least she had a reason.

'Good luck, baby good luck to you ! Kkok haengbokaeyahae ~'

You and Me // Gikwang ✔✔Where stories live. Discover now