chapter 16

186 11 4



Gikwang POV

I skip class and search for Yunhee. I have to explain to her. I have to !

I pass by the gym but slowly slow down my track as I heard someone talking. I peek through the door and saw her and Hyunseung talking. I look at her face. Tears. It breaks my heart to hurt her like this.

" I like you, Yunhee. Eversince the first time we met. " ,Hyunseung confessed.

I gasp. It shock me.

It can't be.

As soon as he about to go out of the gym, I quickly go somewhere else so he won't see me eavesdropping.


I spend the whole recess time at the rooftop. I needed some peace so that I can clear out my mind. I don't want to see Hyunseung or any of the guys . I laid down and close my eyes.

I need to talk to her. Real soon.

Yunhee's POV

I didn't skip the whole class though. As I return, I saw Mijoo look at me. Her concern and relief look.

" Where have you been ? You skip half of the classes today. What got into you ? ",Jonghyun ask.

Ahh ! Kim Jonghyun , do you had to be irritating now ???!!!

I just put my head on the desk and ignored him instead.

* Kring~~~~ *

The bell rang. It's time to go home. I pack all of my stuff and was about to leave. I stop when I saw Gikwang waiting for me outside of my class. He look awful.

" I'm going home with Mimi. ",I said and walk away.

All of the sudden, he held my wrist.

" We need to talk. "

" I thought you let me go with Mimi the other day ? ",I look at him, still with my straight face.

" I have to go somewhere,Yun . Mian.",Mijoo left me.

I sighed. He drag me to the school's garden.

" What did you wanna talk about ? ",I folded my arms to my chest, tried to act tough when I'm actually not.

Inside, I already felt like crying . I'm such a weakling.

" What had happened wasn't like what you thought. ",he tried to explain.

" So it's like what ? I'm the one who made you cheat over her ? "

I continue my outburst just before he said anything, " So that's why you wanna keep us low profile. "

" Listen ! Hyosung and I are nothing. She's the one who's clinging at me. I don't even felt anything towards her. ",he raise his voice.

" I don't believe you. "

Once my trust broke. It's hard for me to start believing him again.

You and Me // Gikwang ✔✔Where stories live. Discover now