* Author's Note *

136 7 3

Heyyo !
(what a weird ass way to greet ppl)

Meet your Author Yun !

A quick/short note right here;

I know you guys most probably miss me (or not) cause I'm practically dead in wattpad. Anywhales, I apologies for not updating anything .
There's a lot of circumtances and my school life is a hectic mess. I'm way busy than I expect even during weekends i got no free time.

As I said before (maybe some of you didn't remember) , I'm gonna continue update next whole week since there's holiday for CNY so I'm a bit loose.

I hope you guys still remember this book ! And for those who remember, a big virtual hugs from me ! ♡

On the side of the topic, Happy Birthday To Me ♡ . Yes, who cares but I do . Haha

25th Jan 17

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