chapter 18 (part 1)

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Gikwang's POV

I skip class and lying down on the floor at the rooftop. I keep on thinking why Yunhee ran away, yesterday. I sigh.

" Of course she ran away,duhh. It was me. " ,I palm my face.

I don't know what I was thinking that night . I just felt like I wanna hug her. Wanna hold her tight. I can saw her eyes were red despite of the darkness. My heart softened once I saw her face. I just wanted to comfort her and tell her everything's gonna be alright when I'm her real promblem. Sometimes I forgot that we're actually not okay.

I still love her .

" Gikwang . ",a voice calling my name.

I turn around and saw Mijoo approaching and sit beside me.

" Hey, what are you doing here ? ",I ask her.

" Yun is missing and I couldn't find Seobie anywhere. I just head here to look for any of them. ",she sigh.

" Gikwang-ah, when are you gonna cut this all off ?",she suddenly ask.

" Mwo ? "

" Yunhee . ",she sigh again.

Ahhh I get it what she's trying to say.

" Molla ~ ",I sigh too.

She only gave me a question look.

" You still love her, right ? Even in all of this situation, you still love her. ",her statement shock me !

How could she read my mind ?

" I-I - ",I stammered.

" Honestly. "

" Honestly, yes . I still love her but what can I do ? She's running away from me. ",I confess.

" Go and meet her . Hug her. She need you . You need her.",she gave me a concern smile.

I kept silent. I don't know what to say. It wasn't easy.

" She's sad and someone needs to hold her. She's a mess . "

" *sigh* I will try my best. "

" Just, don't let her go . "

" Gomawo Mijoo. ",I thank her with a small smile.

She nodded.

" Oh ! I need to get back to class. Recess end. ", she get up, ready to leave.

" So, goodluck Gikwang-ah. ",she left.

After she left, I decided to skip the entire class for the day. Crazy, right ? But I need time to think and let what Mijoo said sink in me . What she said wasn't as easy as it heard to do . It took a lot to make it work. I sigh again. I wish Yunhee never left.

Mijoo's POV

After I left Gikwang, I got into my class. I glance over Yunhee's table, she's talking with Jonghyun, trying to look happy. I couldn't see the sparks that she always had these days. The sparks in her eyes that show she's truly happy or in a good mood. I miss those . I sigh. I hope Yoseob had done his' part well.

Yunhee never had been this sad before. Not even when Jaerim left us for good. Usually she let it go at least after 2 days and she'll be okay but now. She's not like the real her. Not like my Yunhee that I always knew. I once, lost a really good friend ; Jaerim. I don't want to lose any, now. She's all I''ve got.


Author's Note;

Annyeong. Sorry for the short chap. I have to split it into two hehe. Look forward for the next part !


Mijoo; *sigh* it was hard to get them back tgther. Harder than doing yoga.

Yoseob; It is because you hate yoga *roll eyes*

Mijoo; whatever. Since the author decided to spilt the chapter into 2 pls wait for it !!

Yoseob; spread some love guys !!


Lee Gikwang

Choi Yunhee

Kim Mijoo

Yang Yoseob

Song Jaerim

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