chapter 15

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현승의 고백


Yunhee's POV

I'mdead I'mdead I'mdead I'mdead~

I've been chanting that in my mind eversince today came.

As soon as Mijoo IS on the bus. She look at me with a question look.

" Tell me. "

Unfortunately there's no secrets between us. Even when each of us tried to hide it but later the beans spilled. We're both not good in hiding secrets among us.

I look at Gikwang's favourite spot. It's empty. Thankfully he's not here. Maybe his Appa send him to school .

" He likes me. That's all. ",I try to act cool like it's a small matter.

But you know her. How she's gonna react .

" Mwo ?!! I knew it !! ",she almost scream.

" Shhh! Don't be to loud ! If he knows that I told you, I'm dead. "

So far I had manage to stay low profile. Just the way he wanted even I hate it .

" Actually, there's something you should know too."

" Mwo ? "

" Yoseob and I, are dating !!!! "

" MiSeob together ?!! ",I said in surprise.

She nodded.

Finally they're together. I somehow had this feeling for a long time that they would be happy together.

We hug. It made me felt at ease seeing my bestie happy.

We began chit chatting about how things happened until arrived at school.

Gikwang's POV

Appa send me to school today since he had a day off. As Mijoo and Yunhee arrived, I only get a glimpse of them because I'm a bit far.

I'm glad both of them are okay now.

Seeing Yunhee smile make me smile too.

I was walking along the corridor with Yoseob heading to our class when suddenly Hyosung clinging at my arm.

" Kwangie ~ ^^ " ,she chirped.

Oh great ! Someone just have to ruin my mood early in the morning.

" I need to go to the class now,Hyosung. ",I said irritatedly as she kept holding my arm like her property while I'm busy taking my books out of my locker.

" I miss you sooooo much, you know.",she irritatingly hug me.

Someone please get her off of me.

I give Yoseob a look but he ignored it. Damn.

" Yah ! Good Luck ! ",suddenly Yoseob run away after he is done.

I mentally cursing at him right now. However, I sense something bad gonna happened.

I look over Hyosung's shoulder and saw Yunhee and Mijoo witnessing the whole situation. Yunhee's face showed a mix expression.

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