chapter 20

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Gikwang's POV

After we get into the bus, Yunhee lean on my shoulder. In few seconds, she doze off.

Sleeping beauty.

I tuck strands of hair at the back of her ears and kiss her forehead lightly.

She must have been tired.

I'm truly happy. Being back together was what I miss. I get to hold her, hug her, kiss her just like before. I promise this gonna be our last and biggest fight ever. Five days without her, driving me nuts. She was like the oxygen in the air. I keep needing her.

Once the bus arrived at our stop, I shook her lightly and help her going down the bus since she's still groggy and sleepy. I gave her a piggyback and sent her home.

In front of her house, I drop her off and then we bid goodbye. I waited for her to go inside then I walk home. Still smiling like a pabo the whole time.

Jaerim's POV

Jieun and I are waiting for Hyosung to come to my house since I held a little sleepover. As I flip the 12th page of Vogue Magazine, the doorbell rang.

" arrghh finally !",Jieun groan at how late Hyosung is.

I just chuckle.

We go downstairs to invite Hyosung in. Just as soon as we all settle down in my room, she began to rant.

" You know what ?! Yunhee and Gikwang are together ! Geez !",she broke the news with full of hate.

Jieun and I was shocked. Deep inside,I would go and congratulate her but now it didn't seems like it gonna happen.

" I saw them on my way here. All lovey dovey. It made me cringe. ",she add.

" Woah ! You better do something girl !", Jieun said.

" I already had a plan by the way. ",she smirk devilish.

This is not gonna be good. Knowing Hyosung, she's totally gonna do something thrice as bad as I do.

" Gwaenchanha, Jaejae ? You look pale .",Jieun said in concern.

She must have notice.

" I'm just a little dizzy. Perhaps hungry.", I tried to shrug it off so they wouldn't suspect anything.

" Let's go get some snacks. You've been skipping meals a lot these days. ",Jieun said while heading to the kitchen.

As Jieun prepare some snacks,

" What plan you got in mind, Hyo ?",I tried to sound like interest in her plan.

" Well, let's just say I gonna be good and warn her first then if she didn't listen to my order, I'll start my move.",Hyosung smirk.

" That's sounds good. ", I tried to sound like I agree .

It wasn't that bad. I hope.

" Woah, for once you being nice to people. That's a first ! I thought you gonna throw her from the rooftop or something.", Jieun said sacarstically.

I looked at Hyosung's face, searching for her expression. She smirk.

That's bad.

Hyosung's POV

The moment I told Jaerim and Jieun that I had a plan, Jaerim so suddenly getting pale. Her face turn white. She just said she's dizzy but still I know there's something she's been thinking of.

I hate Yunhee. For crying out loud ! I HATE Yunhee a lot ! Gikwang is mine ! MINE only ! I love Gikwang since who knows when and then she came into his life and totally block a way all my chances with him.I'm sooooo wanna destroy her !!!


Author's Note;

I hope you guys don't mind with Hyosung's rant. Hehehe .So far I've been quite receiving silent readers. Hmm. Come one guys ! Give this book some love ~~~ If you enjoy reading, do vote and comment ♡

Comments are love ♡



Lee Gikwang

Choi Yunhee

Kim Mijoo

Yang Yoseob

Song Jaerim



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