Chapter 2: No. Again

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You sat on your blue couch, reading a book when your doorbell rang. Sighing, you got off of your couch and opened the door, shoulders
covered in a blanket.

"Yuuri? Are you okay?" You asked.

"I'm fine, but, uh, Viktor's curious about you and I was wondering..." the male trailed off, afraid of what you would say.

"Tell him? I can do that, bring him over I guess." You told him, watching as he sighed in relief.

"He's already here..." Yuuri said, sighing slightly.


"(Y/N)!" The Russian man yelled, hugging your slightly pudgy body.

"Please no." You said, pushing him off.


The three of you sat on your couch, you in the middle of Yuuri and Viktor.

"Okay, so I was a chubby child, not that I'm not now, but I was really really chubby," you started.

"But I would get teased any time I did anything. It didn't matter if it was athletic or non-athletic, this didn't stop in elementary school though, it continued through Junior High and High School, College. It eventually made me have social anxiety, which stopped me from doing the things I've wanted to do..." you finished.

"I don't understand...what's wrong with being pudgy?" Viktor asked, clutching his cup of coffee tightly.

"Apparently a lot." You muttered bitterly.

"I knew this was a bad idea." Yuuri said. "Sorry for bothering you. We'll leave."

"It's fine, I enjoy the company, not many people visit me." You told him.

"(Y/N), let me coach you. Please." Viktor slightly begged.

You shook your head. "No, again."

He pouted. "Please?"

"I can't do it, I'd rather practice alone." You said.


Viktor looked at Yuuri as they walked down the cold street.

"I don't understand, why won't she let me be her coach." He murmured, pouting.

"Why do you want to coach her so badly?" Yuuri asked.

"Because I want her to feel as beautiful as she is to me."


You had avoided the rink for a week, afraid to run into Viktor or Yuuri, they were preparing the another skating competition.

You did get messages from Phichit, a friend of yours in Bangkok, about upcoming competitions, which, admittedly you wished you could go to.

It drove you crazy and you finally made your way to the rink.


Stepping inside, you were surprised that no one was there. Good.

You began to skate, getting immersed in your movements. You avoided the jumps and just glided across the ice, nearly tripping a couple of times.

"Wow! Amazing!" Viktor said.

You tripped on the ice, falling on your face.

"Viktor!" Yuuri exclaimed, only slightly angry at the male.

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