Chapter 15: What are Feelings?

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You twirled in your hotel room happily, the song that was playing filling you with giddiness. You laughed loudly, not caring that your friends were down the hall.

Soon, your laughter turned into loud singing and you started dancing like no one was watching.

You didn't hear the door open, and Viktor stood in the doorway, a doting  look on his face as he watched you.

"V-Viktor! Why didn't you say something?!" You exclaimed as you finally noticed the Russian man in the doorway.

"It was too cute to disturb." He said.

You blushed, you were never one for compliments, save the ones from Yuuri and Phichit.

"I-I mean, no that's exactly what I mean." Viktor tried to correct himself, but gave up.

"Do you maybe, want to go get dinner? I mean you don't have to but I just thought it would be nice, I've never been to Moscow and want to see as much as I can-" Viktor interrupted your rambling.

"I would love to."


Viktor decided to go to a really fancy place where you couldn't read anything because most of it was Russian.

"Here, I'll get you the same as me, just some Pirozaki, it's really good here." Viktor said, smiling.

You nodded, a bit shy because people were staring at you and saying things.

"Is that (Y/N) and Viktor?"

"I knew they were close but i didn't think they were dating."

"Are you kidding? He's always near her, always touching her too. You can't be that dumb."

The last comment got you thinking. Viktor was always touching you. That was kinda weird, a little endearing.

When the waiter came to take your order, Viktor ordered in Russian, which you would never admit this out loud, but it was quite hot.

Viktor turned to you shortly after the waiter left.

"Do you want to go to a karaoke bar with me after this?" He asked.

You couldn't deny him, besides it did sound fun.



The karaoke bar wasn't extremely packed, but there was still a good crowd, so when Viktor forced you on stage with him, you weren't really nervous.

The song started slowly and Viktor began singing.

"I was doing just fine before I met you. I drink too much and that's an issue but I'm okay."

He was not.

He was.

"I know it breaks it your heart move to he city in a broke down car. 4 years no calls and now you're looking pretty in a hotel bar." He sang proudly

You wanted to murder him. Like actually kill him. It was too much.

It was your turn to sing.

"You look as good as the day I met you. I forget just why I left you i was insane. Stay. Play that Blink-182 that we beat to death in Tucson."

Viktor blushed as you sang, mostly because you looked right at him.

"I know it breaks your heart. Move to the city in a broke down car. 4 years no calls and now I'm looking pretty in a hotel bar."

You both sang the rest of the song loudly and full of emotion. The crowd cheered loudly as you both bowed.

You looked at Viktor and kissed him softly, glad to finally do it on your on consent and not being forced or under the influence of alcohol.

"You were amazing, ангел." Viktor mumbled.


I'm such a nerd for that song tbh.

And any song with Halsey. I love Halsey.

This chapter is like the calm before the storm.

(More like the calm after the storm because that's what this story is.)

Also 5k reads? Jesus fucking Christ. That's a lot of reads.

It scares me

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