Chapter 16: Who Will Advance?

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There was so many people. A lot of different nationalities too. Let's review.

There was the Korean, Seun-Gil.

The Italians, Sala and Michele Crispino.

The Canadian, Jean-Jaques Leroy, or JJ.

And the Czech, Emil Nekola

You finally recognised someone you saw when you entered the area around the rink.

"Yurio!" You exclaimed, running towards the 15 year old to hug him.

"Ack! Get off me you hag!" He yelled, struggling to escape.

"Aw Yurio don't be like that, she's just trying to welcome you." Viktor said.

"Not you too, I already have to deal with your hag wife." Yurio said.

"Shhh, my precious son, go take a nap so you're not as cranky." You whispered, patting him on the head.

He pushed you away. "I'm not your son!"

You heard laughter from behind you. "You act like you are." THe voice belonged to Michele Crispino, who laughed at the smaller boy.

"I don't believe we've met. I'm (Y/N)." You said, sticking your hand out so he could shake it.

"I know who you are. You're one of the fastest growing figure skaters in the world." He said.

"Well, I hope to see you advance to the Grand Prix." You told him.

"Good luck." Michele gave you a nod and walked off.

Someone put their hand on your shoulder and pulled you closer. "(Y/N)! Nice to finally meet you!" It was JJ.

"Nice to meet you too." You gave Viktor the look of "help me" and he pulled you away from the other man's grasp.

"Oh, I see. Viktor Nikiforov's in love." JJ teased, now holding Yurio.

"Get your hands off my precious son." You said, taking Yurio away from him and hugging him to your body.

"I'm not your son you hag! You and your husband can go claim someone else!" Yurio stomped away and you pouted fakely.

"They grow up so fast."


It was time for the judges to decide who would advance. You were nervous, there were a lot of people better than you were. Especially JJ.

"The people advancing are: Jean-Jaques Leroy, Katsuki Yuuri, Yuri Plisetsky, Michele Crispino, and Emil Nikola."

Your face fell. You didn't advance, but that didn't mean you wouldn't support Yuuri.

"Ha, and you thought you were better than me? Don't make me laugh. How could someone like you be better than me?" The annoying voice of Lyn broke your thought process.

Yurio stepped forward to say something to her but you beat him to it.

You punched her in the nose, which started a fist fight between the two of you.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Calm down, Yuuri take her away from here!" Viktor yelled, pulling you away from the other girl.

Yuuri grabbed your hand and led you out of the rink, guarding you from the stares of the others.

"Why'd you hit her?" Yuuri asked once you were away from the crowd.

"All my life I've been doubted, I was so sick of it. Lyn's attitude just set me off." You said quietly.

"(Y/N)! Are you okay?" Viktor asked.

"Viktor?" You questioned.

"Did she hurt you?" He asked again.

"The only thing hurt is my determination." You mumbled.

"Hey, you're still a winner to me, my love." Viktor told you.

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