Chapter 6: Tension and Awkwardness

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You had woken up the next day and realized the mistake you had made. You were going to die...of everything. You quickly put on your clothes and ran out the door to your house.


You leaned against the shower wall and sighed. You couldn't believe you slept with Viktor.

You hurt. A lot.

You were a virgin after all.

You felt bad leaving him by himself, but you couldn't help it, if you knew and he didn't it would be better. For everyone.

You answered the phone as it rang, thankfully you were out of the shower.


"Ah! (Y/N)! Are you coming to practice?" The voice of overly cheery Viktor sounded over the phone.

"I'm feeling a bit sick, I'm sorry." You lied. It killed you to lie to him, but he didn't need to know the truth.

"Get well soon (Y/N)!"


You sat on your couch, covered in a thick blanket and a pillow under your head. Someone knocked on your door. You groaned.

"Come in."

A worried Viktor popped his head through the door. "(Y/N)! I came to check on you in Yuuri's place since he was too busy. How are you?" He asked.

"I'm feeling better, is that all you came to do?" You asked, sounding harsher than intended.

"I didn't mean to make you upset...I'll leave.." he said.

"I didn't mean it like that." You told him. "I'm just upset that's all."

He sat down on the couch, moving your feet onto his lap.

He was really warm and you were cold because you couldn't afford a heater.

You snuggled closer to the Russian, who wore a look of surprise on his face.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Cuddling you." You said.

"Please get off...." he mumbled.

You sprang away like a cat sprayed with water.

"Sorry.." you mumbled.

"I should leave." He said.


The next day at practice was a disaster.

"Quit yelling at me! I'm trying my hardest!" You yelled at Viktor.

"I'm not yelling! I'm trying to get you to perfect your jumps!" He yelled back.

"I'm sick of you doing this! I'm not a perfect skater! I'M NOT YOU SO STOP TRYING TO MAKE ME YOU!" You exploded.


"Get the fuck out of my life." You growled out.


Your phone rang. "Hello?"

"(Y/N), you answered! We can't find Viktor." Yuuri's voice was urgent.

"Have you checked the bars? That's where it seems like he'd be." You told him.

"Ah no we haven't thank you!" He hung up and you were left alone to your thoughts.

Breathe -Yuri On Ice: Viktor Nikiforov x Reader- Where stories live. Discover now