Chapter 8: Enter Phichit and Jealous Viktor!

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Your phone rang loudly, blaring a really catchy song that you didn't remember setting as your tone.

"Hello...?" You muttered sleepily.

"(Y/N)! Come to the skating rink!" Yuuri'a voice told you.

"Why?" You grumbled.

"It's a surprise! Please??" He asked.

"Be a minute..." you mumbled.


"What was so important that I was dragged out of bed at 8?" You asked sort of impatiently as Yuuri covered your eyes.

"It's good to see you." A familiar voice said.

"Phichit?! I haven't seen you in years! Wow you're so tall!" You gushed over the Thailand figure skater.

"Heheh. You've gotten better at skating." He said, blushing lightly.

"I'm nothing compared to you though, I mean, you're AMAZING!" You exclaimed.

"What's going on?" Viktor's voice broke through the friendly banter.

"My friend has decided to pay a visit." You told him as he walked towards everyone.

"He's the skater from Thailand correct?" Viktor asked Yuuri.

"He's a bit rude to you isn't he?" Phichit whispered into your ear.

"Yea, something happened and we fought and some things were said." You explained quietly. "Ohhhh." He started. "What did he say?"

"I told him that he needed to stop trying to make me be him and he told me that if I was more confident he wouldn't have to." You told him.

"That's so mean..." Phichit said.

"Yea..we haven't really made up. I've only been practicing by myself." You answered.

"That's about to change." He told you excitedly.

"How so?" You questioned.

"You're going to train with me!" He exclaimed.

"Whaaat?!" You asked.

"She already has a coach." Viktor growled out with annoyance.

"It's not gonna hurt her to have someone close to her practice her technique." Pinchot defended.

"I'm close to her." Viktor said.

"Don't lie. It's very unbecoming of people." You snapped. Grabbing Phichit's hand you led him away from Viktor.

"Let's go." You said.


"So what exactly caused the fight between you and Viktor?" Phichit asked as he munched on some popcorn. "Well, I was at my debut competition which I hope you saw by the way, and the Katsuki's decided to throw a party. Long story short, we got drunk and had sex. I regret it, because I don't like him like that. And he doesn't like me. That's all." You explained.

Phichit frowned, eyes in thought. "Does he know?"

"Probably. We haven't exactly sat down over afternoon tea and had a casual discussion." You ranted.

He laughed slightly, eyebrows going up. "That's great."

You hit his arm lightly and then the doorbell rang. You hurriedly got up, bare feet paddling against the floor.

"Hell-oh Viktor. You could've called before you came over." You said.

"(Y/N). Go out to dinner with me." He said bluntly.

You were put in an uncomfortable spot. You were certain you didn't like Viktor like that.

"She can't. She has plans with me."

You would not only like to thank God but also Jesus for Phichit

"Oh? I didn't know you were dating someone. You never mentioned him before." Viktor said,  eyes shifting between the two of you.

"We've been long distance for about 2 months." He said, smiling lightly.

"I-I'm too shy to talk about my love life.." you murmured.

Viktor didn't seem convinced so Phichit decided to help.

He kissed you.

It wasn't bad per se, it was actually amazing, but it felt different than what you remembered when you kissed Viktor. It lacked spark.

Viktor watched as you kissed, a bitter seed growing in his stomach.

Jealousy thy name is Viktor.

He walked away with a huff.

He's lucky. So lucky to have her.

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