Chapter 23: Nothing Really Ends

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-Some Years Into The Future-

"Viktor! Welcome home!" You said, smiling brightly.

"Hello ангел! How are you?" He asked.

"Tiring, I'll never understand how mom's do it." You told him.

"Dad's home! Come on Lissa!" Your 10 year old son, Yu, ran down the stairs, his 7 year old sister behind him.

"I'm not going anywhere Yu, calm down." Viktor said as his son leapt into his arms.

You knew Yu was going to be a heartbreaker when he was older. He had his dads silver hair and pale skin, but your (E/C) eyes.

Lissa was different. She had every single one of your features, but she too was going to be a heartbreaker.

"Can we go see Izumi and Angel now?!" Lissa asked, excitement lacing her voice.

Izumi and Angel were the kids of Yuuri and Phichit.

Izumi was 10 like his best friend, Yu.

And Angel was 14.

Of course, Izumi had Phichit's beautiful brown skin and black hair, but had Yuuri's brown eyes.

Angel took after her surrogate mother, Lyn, except she had the fiery red hair of Lyn's sister, Natasha.

You and Lyn eventually settled your differences and became friends.

Natasha changed her ways and is happily married to Georgi.

"We can go see them." You said, smiling at her.

"Yay!" Lissa said, laughing.


"Phichit! Yuuri! We're here!" You yelled, walking through the door.

"Lissa!" Izumi yelled, running towards the slightly younger girl.

It was a known fact by everyone that Izumi liked Lissa, and no one was going to stop young love from blooming.

Yu had a crush on the son of Leo and Ji, his name was Lance.

"I'm here too you losers!" Yurio yelled, walking through the door with Otabek.

Yurio, who was now 26, and Otabek who was 29, walked through the door happily.

"Hey Yurio, how's it going?" You asked, giving him a hug.

"The same I guess. Thinking about coaching figure skating." He said.

"That's good, you'd be good at it." You told him.

"Auntie! Guess what?" Angel exclaimed.

"What?" You asked, kneeling down.

"I got asked out on a date!" She said.

You gasped. "By who?!"

"This girl named Rika..." she said bashfully.

"Oh I'm so happy for you!" You cheered.

Viktor hugged you from behind and kissed you, eliciting a groan from the kids.

Which, of course, prompted every couple in the room to do it.

"Did you forget about us?" Leo asked from the entrance.

"Of course not you nerd." Phichit told them as they walked in with their single child, Lance.

"Hey Lance!" Yu exclaimed, hugging his friend.


Later that night, while everyone was asleep, you walked outside and sat on the bench swing, looking at the moon.

"Hey ангел, are you okay?" Viktor asked, sitting next to you.

"I'm scared for the future." You admitted.

"Whys that?"

"Yu and Lissa are getting older, and it's not a nice world for people who date the same sex. All these years and people can't change."

"Yu is tough, he can handle judgement and Lissa will be fine. You know Angel will gut anyone who is rude to her friends. We look out for each other. Family looks out for each other." He said.

"I know, but I can't help but worry." You told him.

"Hey, relax and breathe. Okay?" Viktor reassured.


"And (Y/N)?"


"I love you so much."

"I love you too Viktor."


*tries not to cry because I'm with family*

It's the end my guys.

I don't want it to, but it has too.

This was the first X Reader that actually has a decent plot.

(Rip my Oikawa x Reader which had a semi decent plot)

With my Yuuri x Reader, I'm thinking about making another one.

Either Phichit

Or Bokuto from Haikyuu

Idk yet.

Anyways, thank you guys for reading it and staying with it all this time. I love you guys.

(I'm not apologizing for that.)

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