Chapter 21: Stress

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You faced your friends, smiling happily as they congratulated you on your engagement, even Yurio(who was visiting with his "friend" Otabek) was happy
for you.

"So when's the wedding?" Minako asked happily.

"We're working things out." You told her, smiling awkwardly.

"Well if you need any help planning, call me." She said walking away.

Then it hit you. You just got engaged to Viktor Nikiforov while you lived halfway across the world.

What the fuck was wrong with you?

It had only been half a year since you moved and you had at least a three year lease on your small apartment, not to mention Viktor the Dog, and your figure skating training.

What were you going to do?

You weren't going to cancel the engagement, but you couldn't move out.

Your phone rang, signalling an end to your inner distress.

"(Y/N) it's me, Leo."

You smiled. "Hey Leo, what's up?" You asked.

"I heard you got engaged! That's great." He said. Leo sounded nervous.

"What's wrong Leo?" You questioned.

"Ji wants to move down here, but I don't think he can afford a house."

That gave you an idea.

"I've got a plan, I'll come back on Monday and talk to the landlady for my apartment and maybe strike a deal with her, okay?"

You could hear his excited laughter from over the phone and could picture his smile as well.

"Yes! Thank you, (Y/N)!" He said, quickly hanging up the phone.

Arms snaked around your waist, giving you a hug. "Was that Leo?" Viktor asked.

"Yea, he was congratulating us." You told him.

"How nice of him." He said, kissing your cheek.

"Viktor...I have to go back to America Monday to settle some things with my landlady." You said, facing him.

"So soon? I thought you didn't have to go back until the week after." He said, frowning.

"I'm coming back right after, I swear, it''s for Ji." You explained.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Leo called and told me that Ji was moving to America to be with him, well I added that part, but he's afraid that Leo can't afford a house. So I decided I would go back and strike a deal with the landlady." You told him.

He pouted slightly. "Aww, okay. Let's go pack."

"Huh?!" You exclaimed.

"You didn't think I was letting you leave me a second time, right?" He asked.


The landlady stared at the three of you.(Leo was outside)

"So, you got engaged to him, while you took a vacation and during all this, Shortie over here wants to move here to be with Dream Boy outside, right?" She asked.

"Yes. That's it so far." You answered.

"So, you want me to let him live here in your place so you can be with Bright Eyes there?"

"Mrs. Najimura if I may, (Y/N) and I really don't want to be separated again, and Ji wants to be able to see his boyfriend everyday, and what's the trouble of switching the lease to another person?" Viktor asked.

"Alright fine, I gotta admit though, I'm gonna miss you and that dog (Y/N)." Mrs. Najimura said.

"Thank you so much!" Ji cheered, hugging her tightly.

"He's not always like this is he?" She asked.

You both shrugged.


I can't believe I didn't update on Viktor's birthday.


How many of you would be opposed if I made a Yuuri x Reader?

Just curious.

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