Chapter 1: My Name Is...

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You glided not-so gracefully across the ice, suddenly glad there was no one watching. You jumped in the air, only to fall on your face, which had happened a lot in the 30 minutes you had been practicing.

Yuko pestered you, she said the only reason you were clumsy is because you didn't believe in your skill as a skater.

A female Yuuri Katsuki, she had said. Which wasn't a lie, you and Yuuri were very alike in some categories. Confidence and weight gaining. Other than those, you were very different.

Yuuri had the skills to be a professional skater, while you were kind of stuck in the in between stage.

"(Y/N), your nose is bleeding again." The voice of Yuko said as she entered the rink.

"Oh," you started. "Sorry Yuko."

She sighed. "I wish we had a coach for you, you're actually very good. You deserve to learn." She told you.

"Only problem is finding someone to coach me." You said, walking off the rink to clean up.

"(Y/N)? Yuko?" Yuuri's voice asked from the door of the rink.

"Hiya Yuuri, when did you come back?" You asked.

"Me? What about you? I've been back for a month, I've just been at some competitions." He explained.

"Oh? You're back in skating? That's great!" You told him.

"Yuuri? Should we practice?" An unfamiliar voice heavy with a Russian accent asked.

"A-ah, Viktor! Sorry, I was catching up with a friend." Yuuri said.

A man with silver hair walked in, standing behind Yuuri.

"I don't think I've met you yet, My name is Viktor Nikiforov." He said, smiling brightly at you.

"(L/N) (Y/N)." You said.

"Do you skate too?" Victor asked, eyes curious.

"Sort of? I'm not the best at it." You said, looking at your feet.

"She's really not." The voice of Yuko's girls told him, holding a video camera.

"H-huh?! You recorded me..." you murmured.

Victor and Yuuri watched the video with great interest, their faces focused.

You didn't like made you feel paranoid and upset.

"Yuko, I'm just gonna leave...." you said, voice shaking slightly.

"That's fine, see you later (Y/N)." She said, turning around to scold her kids.

"Wait, (Y/N)." The sound of Viktor's accented voice made you turn around. "What?" You asked, voice still slightly shaking.

"You're really good...I want to coach you." He said.

You shook your head, (H/C) hair flying in front of your face. "No thank you." You said, speeding off as quickly as you could.

"She's shy, isn't she?" Viktor said, grinning slightly.

"She's had a hard time with people. That's all." Yuuri told him.

"Oh?" He asked, curious.

"It's not our place to tell you. It's her's." Yuko said, dropping the subject.


I have been dragged into YOI hell.

Take my sins.

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