Chapter 12: Tragic Backstory Unlocked

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You and Viktor sat on your couch, you had some unresolved issues to talk through.

"I'm sorry." He muttered to you, slightly moving closer.

"It's okay Viktor. It's okay." You told him.

"I want to apologize....I've been, in light terms, a dick." He said.

"We both have." You whispered, wondering how you were being so forgiving.

"Can I tell you something?" He asked.

"Go ahead." You told him.

"Okay, the reason I was so mean, was because I really like you. And i didn't want to."

"Why not?"

"It's a long story."

"I've got time."

--Flashbacks yo--

Viktor was 23 and one of the fastest growing Russian figure skaters. As talented as he is handsome, he had a lot of fans. To him, only one stood out. Her name was Natasha Haverbrook and she was a pro in pairs skating along with her younger sister Lyn.

Natasha had fiery red hair and striking silver eyes.

She wanted Viktor. She wanted to break him. To strip him of his wings and turn him into an emotionless demon like herself. Like she had done to so many others.

Time and time again Viktor had forgiven Natasha, and time after time she had hurt him.

He loved her.

Until she threw him aside like a forgotten rag doll and moved onto the next person.


You looked at the Russian figure skater before you and noticed how tired and sad he looked.

For once he didn't look his age. He looked like a love-scorned boy who had just been rejected.

You moved closer, as to hug him. And he gladly excepted it, gripping you tightly like you were a rope and if he let go he would fall off.

"I didn't know that happened to you." You told him, rubbing his back gently.

"No one does. You're the only one." He said softly.

"And have you seen her since?" You asked.

"She's been at all of Yuuri's performances, because her sister has been competing." He told you.

"Well then, I guess we'll have to show her how effective her "method" worked." You said.

He raised a perfectly groomed silver brow. "Oh? And how do we do that?" He asked.

"By being a better couple than you two were. I'm not about to let your only relationship be bad." You said, slightly angry.

"Sounds good." He agreed, slightly smiling at you.


Update in honor of my and Yuuri's birthday.


Anyways, yep

I need more Viktuuri moments.

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