Chapter 10: Guilt? I think..

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For a moment you almost wanted to tell Viktor that you and Phichit weren't together, but you couldn't find the words.

How would he react? Would he be angry? Betrayed? Sad? You didn't know. You didn't want to know either. There were two options.

1) tell him you weren't dating Phi
2) Stage a breakup.

You were leaning towards the latter.


"It's not my fault!" You yelled at Phichit.

"Then who's is it? Because it's not mine!" He yelled back.

"Maybe we shouldn't have agreed to be together!" You exclaimed.

"I couldn't agree more." He said.

You stormed off into the ladies restroom to make it seem like you were upset with the recent events while Phichit ran out of the rink, so he didn't get punched in the face while you were absent.


"(Y/N)?" It was Yuuri, he was outside of your stall.

"Yuuri! Come in quickly!" You exclaimed, dragging the unsuspecting man into the stall.

"Wha-why??" He asked, flustered to have you suddenly drag him inside.

"Okay...Phi and I weren't really dating." You breathed out, you've been waiting to tell him ever since it became a thing.

"I know." He told you.

"Whaaaat? How?"

"Well, you can't really date my boyfriend can you?" He said, smiling.

"Woah!!!!! That's really great Yuuri!" You exclaimed.

"But what about Viktor?" Yuuri asked.

"I didn't want to make him mad if I told him Phichit and I weren't really dating..." you mumbled guiltily.

"Well, that didn't work out."

"Viktor?!" Both you and Yuuri exclaimed in surprise.

"Am I that bad that you had to fake a relationship so I wouldn't approach you?" He asked.


"Don't..please..." Viktor interrupted, walking away.



You sat on your couch, eating a tub of Cookies and Cream ice cream and watching a random movie that was on tv.

Long story short, you felt horrible, you made Viktor feel horrible. Literally the only people who didn't suffer backlash were Phichit and Yuuri. You think.

A knock on your door startled you, almost making you drop your ice cream.

You opened the door, a bit self conscious of your appearance. An oversized t-shirt of (your favourite show) and sweats.

"(Y/N)? Could I come in?"

"V-Viktor? Of course..." you told him, letting him in.

"Tough day?" He asked sarcastically, holding up the half eaten tub of ice cream.

"A-ah! Let me just put this up." You rushed out, grabbing the tub and shoving it in your fridge.

Viktor chuckled a bit. "You look cute like this.." he whispered.

"W-what?" You asked.

"N-nothing." He stammered.


Viktor and you sat on the sofa, a blanket covering the both of you.

"What did you come by for?" You asked.

"Right. I need to talk to you." He said.

"Go ahead."

"I've taken the responsibility of resigning as your coach." He said.

"O-oh. Okay." You mumbled.

After he left, you stared at the ceiling, wondering what would happen, when you had an epiphany.

"I don't need Viktor. I'm going to win. And I'm going to do it without him."


*currently writing this while listening to Hamilton*


and to those Canadians who might be here HAVE A NICE DAY

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