Chapter 11: (Y/N)'s Determination

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You stood on the ice, ready for the music to start so you could blow everyone away.

"This is (Y/N)'s first performance without Viktor as her coach, and people are wondering how she will do."

That made you mad. You didn't need Viktor to win, you needed determination.

"Her first jump is a triple axel followed by a toe loop."

"She nailed it! She's passing everyone's expectations at this competition!"

You closed your eyes, concentrating on the music, not anything else, you wanted to make sure they knew you didn't need Viktor.

The music was reaching its peak, the words getting louder, when the lyric it was supposed to end on happened.

"A Quadruple flip! And she's nailed it! Not even Viktor Nikiforov would do that at the end of a program!"

You walked off the rink, panting lightly.

"Not bad for a little pig." Lyn's voice sounded behind you.

"What's your problem? Can't handle anyone being better than you?" You snapped.

"I've got a problem with people who think they're great, but in actuality, they've been abandoned because no one wants to coach someone like you." She snarled.

"I don't need a coach, because even if I did I would still beat a prissy little bitch who had to pay her way to get where she is." You told her calmly, walking away, passing Viktor in the process.

"Good luck Yuuri, I'm sure you'll beat everyone." You said, beaming.

"I don't think anyone could beat you (Y/N), you were postivly radiant." He told you.

"Not really, it was just a last minute routine that I had practiced with Leo and Ji." You said.

"Please, that routine was all you. We just helped." Leo said, putting an arm around your neck playfully.

Viktor watched as you ignored him, happily talking to the three boys in front of him. He felt bad. For abandoning you, but he could see that you didn't need him.

He needed you. He's always needed you.


You watched Yuuri's performance with fascination, his Eros routine could get people pregnant with a single look. Lucky Phichit.

"He's good right?" Viktor said.

"Definitely. I wish I had his skill. If I was brave, I'd say he'd even surpass you." You told him.

"He already has. And so have you." He whispered.

You were silent as Yuuri's routine finished. He nailed all his jumps.

"Yuuri!" You yelled, running towards him. "That was AMAZING!"

"Thanks, do you think it was good enough to be second?" He asked.

"Yuuri, that was good enough to be first." You said.

"Excuse me miss! Are you and Yuuri Katsuki together?" A reporter asked.

"A-ah no, I'm not with Yuuri-"

"She's with me." Viktor said, drawing the attention to him.





Double update because last nights episode made me emo. Let Maccachin live 2k16.

Also anymousnerd Junkrat x OC or Junkrat x Reader because I don't know

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