Chapter 5: Rivals and Drunk Mistakes

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The incident with Lyn had shaken you. And to be honest, you were scared. If she reacted that badly the last time, what would happen if you beat her in the Grand Prix?

"ангел, calm down. She won't hurt you." Viktor said to you as you walked to Yuuri's house.

"I wouldn't be so sure." You mumbled.

"I'll make sure she won't." He asserted.


The Katsuki's had decided to throw you a victory party, everyone who helped you was invited, even Yurio.

"Hey, Yurio...I need to ask you a question." You said, stuttering a little.

"Go ahead." He said, sipping his drink.

"What does...ангел mean?" You asked, repeating the Russian word poorly.

"ангел? It means angel. Why?" He asked.

"I've heard Viktor use it." You said.

The blonde boy chuckled and walked off, he was never one for conversation.

"(Y/N)! Come have a drink with me!" Viktor said.

"No thank you..." you said.

"Please ангел?" He asked.

"One drink. That's it." You said.


One drink turned into two which turned into 10. Of course, Viktor was the one who convinced you to stay.

"You know what ангел? You're really pretty.." Viktor slurred.

"T-thanks. You're attractive too." You said.

Viktor moved closer to you.

"What are you doing?" You asked, dazed.

"Admiring you." He said. "Do you not want me to?"

"N-no you can.." you said trailing off.

"That's good..." he said closing the space between the two of you.

Shocked, but also happy, you awkwardly kissed back and as this was your first kiss, you didn't know what to do.

Viktor pulled away and smiled at you. "Should we go somewhere else?"

Not in the right state of mind, you agreed.


Viktor kissed you in a hurried rush, like you would fade away if he stopped. You kissed back just as rushed.

He gazed into your (E/C) irises, a hint of lust in his blue eyes. "Do you want to....?"

You nodded eagerly. "Please." You begged.

He pulled your shirt off and then your bra, leaving your torso bare in front of him. You blushed profusely and covered yourself, nobody had ever seen this side of you before.

"Don't do that ангел, you're very appealing." Viktor whispered as he took one of your breasts in his hand and started kneading it.

You had never been touched like this in any situation, and it felt great.

You moaned softly as his lips met with the now hard bud and he nipped at it.

"Viktor..." you moaned softly. He pulled away from your chest and smiled at you. "Impatient are we?" He asked teasingly. You nodded.

He removed his clothing and the last pieces of your own and smirked at you.

"'re really excited aren't you?" He asked.

"Quit teasing me." You whimpered. "Okay okay."

He entered you slowly, making sure not to hurt you so much. It took a moment for the pain to subside but when you gave him the go ahead he moved much faster, bringing you closer to the edge with each thrust.

Your stomach coiled and you moaned loudly, alerting the Russian man that you had came.

He tsked at you and soon followed. "That was fast." He teased tiredly, falling asleep.

My innocence.

Forget what I said first chapter this is some mild sin for you.

((How is this one better than the one in my Oikawa x Reader honestly...))

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