Chapter 4: Good News! Debut Competiton!

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It had been a week since Viktor had become your coach and he already had a plan.

"No. no. Nonono." You said, crossing your hands over your chest.

"Awww why not?" He pouted. Debut

"I'm not ready."

"Yurio and Yuuri think you are! And so do I! Please ангел?" Viktor asked.



You stood in the locker room nervously, jacket over the outfit Viktor picked out for you. You were shaking.

Viktor opened the door. "ангел, it's almost time. Come on." He said softly.

"I can't...I'm scared." You mumbled.

"Hey, breathe. It'll be fine. Yuuri and Yurio are rooting for you. I'm rooting for you."

You nodded and took deep breaths, exhaling when Viktor told you to.

"I'm ready." You said, shrugging off your jacket.

"Go show them how it's done." He said.


You stepped out onto the ice and waited for the music to start. The beat started and you glided smoothly, your gliding turning into a toe loop, which was pretty easy, and then you started twirling, ready to jump.

That made you nervous, you almost never nailed your jumps. You twirled and then jumped into the air, landing perfectly.

The crowd was cheering. You managed to capture their attention.


You landed your final jump, and faced the crowd, breathing slightly heavy. You bowed and made your way to Viktor, who was smiling proudly.

"That was (L/N) (Y/N) a 25 year old rookie figure skater who, along with Katsuki Yuuri, is being coached by the legendary Viktor Nikiforov. Hopefully we'll see more of (Y/N) at the Grand Prix!" The announcer said.

"You did great. Your jumps need a bit more work, but it was amazing." Viktor praised.

Someone shoved you away before you could reply.

"You think you can beat me?" This female with short black hair and the lightest brown eyes asked bitterly.

"I don't know who you are." You told her shyly.

"I'm Lyn Haverbrook, the second best skater next to your coach and I won't let some pudgy Japanese girl take that title from me." She said, pushing you again.

"Leave her alone." Viktor said bitterly, grabbing her arm and pushing her away from you.

"That's fine. Your little coach won't always be around to protect you." Lyn told you.

Breathe -Yuri On Ice: Viktor Nikiforov x Reader- Where stories live. Discover now