Chapter 22: The Wedding

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You stared at yourself in the mirror, nerves settling in your stomach as you did so.

You were about to get married to Viktor Nikiforov.

Minako and Mari stood behind you, beaming at you.

"You look gorgeous! Viktor will be speechless!" Minako said, fixing the last part of your hair.

"Are you ready?" Your mom asked from the doorway.

You nodded and smiled at your mom who seemed about to cry.

It was understandable though, you were her only child and she was about to give you to a man she hadn't met before this day.

She still hadn't met him but that's okay. She will later.

She took your hand, but then stopped and handed you a box.

"Your father was meant to give you this when you got married." She said.

Your dad had died 2 years before you met Viktor.

You opened the box she had handed you. Inside was an ice skate necklace with diamonds on it, very small and very different from the ice skate locket Viktor had given you.

She helped you put it in and then both of you walked outside.


You stood next to Viktor in front of the priest, smiling happily.

"Now, you said you made your own vows, correct?" He asked, his voice slightly tired.

You both nodded.


Viktor turned towards you and took a deep breath.

"(Y/N) (L/N), when I saw you I knew that you were the one I was going to marry. I was in love with you the moment you spoke, your voice was like a melody I never wanted to get out of my head. Every time you were near me I nearly combusted, and every time we were apart it was like a part of me was taken away. When we got into that arguement, it tore me apart and I never want that to happen again and I never want you to leave me again, so what do you say? Marry me?"

It was your turn.

"Viktor Nikiforov, you were honestly the most persistent, frustrating, determined, annoying man I have ever met and that's why I fell in love with you. You were always more than a coach to me, I just didn't know what to call you, hell I didn't even know what I felt for you. I knew it was love, but I knew it wasn't like I felt for Yuuri. You're the most beautiful man I've ever seen and it astonishes me to how you noticed someone like me, but all that matters is that we love each other, so yea, I'll marry you."

The priest gave you the go ahead and you did so.

It felt a bit magical in your opinion, it was nothing like when you first kissed. This kiss was full of love and hope. Happiness...

Viktor pulled away and you smiled at each other.

For the first time in your life, you weren't scared of what would happen next.


There's like one chapter left lmao.

I'm actually sad that this is ending. I want to write it forever I love this book, it's my child.


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