Chapter 9: Viktor's Lament!

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He watched you and Phichit from a distance. Jealousy growing every day. Every time he touched you Viktor only saw red.

He wanted to apologize, every bone in his body told him to do so, but he couldn't find the time to.

More like he didn't want to. Because if he apologized, you would no longer be mad and you would only become closer. And he didn't want to, not after what happened last time.

Ah yes, the last time he let someone close to him...

He walked towards the pair of you and smiled semi-bitterly. "How the training going?" He asked.

"It's going really good. My นางฟ้า is really good." Phichit said happily. Another forgein nickname, how great.

Viktor wasn't going to lie, he wanted to be the  only one calling you anything in another language.

Viktor watched as you bashfully looked at the ground, face slightly red. "Phi has been really helpful." You said shyly.

'Was I not helpful?' Viktor thought bitterly. He didn't know how much more he could take before he exploded...

"That's great. Wouldn't want you to slack off..." Viktor stated, sounding more rude than he intended.

"Viktor," you started. "Could I talk to you?"

He knew the conversation wasn't going to pleasant, but he sort of relished being alone with you.


You sat across from him in the locker room, staring at him.

"Why?" You asked bluntly.

"What?" He didn't comprehend.

"What made you think you could come into my life and make me feel these things? With your stupidly attractive smile and beautiful eyes? I was doing just fine before I met you, but you've ruined everything I've worked for." You told him, anger in your eyes.

"You've done the same to me, so we're both at fault. You're the second girl to break my heart and I'm gonna make sure you're the last." Viktor said to you.

"Everyone falls in love at some point...I'm not gonna be the last one.." you said.

"Oh you will because I'm gonna win you over. And I refuse to lose."


Boy howdy the new Yuri in Ice episode is really gay.

I cried.


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