Chapter 18: Away From Each Other

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You sat on the plane, ready to leave when you realised something.

You were leaving your life behind. Yuuri, Yuko, Nishigori, Minako, Viktor. It's hard to leave something behind when you think of it in the last moment.

You steeled yourself. The thought of you needing to get better so you could become someone Viktor deserved, blinded you to what you were really doing.

Leaving Viktor like Natasha had left him.

You took a deep breath and relaxed as the plane took off.


"Viktor, are you okay?" Yuuri asked, poking his head through Viktor's door.

"Hm? I'm fine, why do you ask?" His coach questioned.

"You've been staring at that locket for quite sometime now." Yuuri pointed out.

"I didn't even realise...sorry Yuuri." Viktor apologised halfheartedly.

"It's okay to miss her. I miss her, but not in the way you do." He said.

"How do I miss her?" Viktor questioned.

"You miss her she's what keeps you energetic, like she has your heart and soul and you won't get it back until she returns. That's how you miss her." Yuuri explained.

"Oh...perhaps I do."


You smiled as Leo met you at the airport. "Nice to see you again." He said, smiling brightly.

"Nice to see you too Leo, how's Guang-Hong?" You asked, wondering about your Chinese friend.

"Ji's been doing alright, we found this thing called Rabbit where we could watch movies together while we were far apart." Leo explained, grinning at the mention of his boyfriend.

"That's amazing....maybe Viktor and I could...." you shook your head, clearing the thought.

"Let's get going, yea?" He asked, frowning at you slightly.


Viktor looked around his apartment, happy with himself. It was a big place, grey walls, black hardwood floors. The only thing the place lacked was you.

He wanted to be with you desperately. More than anything in the world.

Shaking his head, the silver haired male started hanging pictures that he had taken while in Japan. There were some of him and Yuuri.

A lot of them were of him and you(he decided to leave those in the box).

Then he smiled, the apartment was starting to look like home.


You're apartment was small, but homely, with reddish walls and tan carpet. It was already furnished, so A+ for that, it just lacked life.

So you bought a dog. It was a lively thing, a sliver husky that you named Viktor because it looked a bit like him.

"Viktor! Come here!" You clicked your tongue and the dog came bouncing down the halls, tongue lolling out of its mouth. 

You smiled happily a patted his head. "Do you think I should call him? Would he be mad? I hope not, that would be very upsetting." You mumbled, like you were talking to the dog.

The dog just stared and tilted his head.


On the second week without you, Viktor's phone rang.

Confused, he answered the phone.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Hi Viktor! It's me, (Y/N). I don't know why I said my name, you could probably tell it was me, but it's a nice thing to do when you call someone."

You were so nervous, it showed in your voice.

"Oh (Y/N) how are you?" He asked, positively excited to hear your voice again.

"I'm good-"

You were cut off by barking.

"(Y/N) did you get a dog?"

You laughed slightly. "Yea, my place was a bit lacking in life so I got a husky."

"What's his name?" Viktor loved dogs, they were so cute.

You coughed awkwardly and mumbled something he didn't understand.

"What was that?"

"His name is uh....Viktor." You mumbled.

"You named him after me? I'm honoured." He gushed.

"Viktor, I have to leave soon, but we can Skype later if you want." You told him sadly.

"Sounds fun."

"I love you." You said.

"I love you too."


I love JJ so much.

I love everyone

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