Chapter 3: Giving In

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"I'm sorry." Viktor said for the fifth time. "I said it was fine, it was bound to happen eventually." You told him. 

"I still feel bad." He mumbled. You sighed. "Have a good practice Yuuri." You said.

"Wait. Let Viktor be your coach. He's really good.." Yuuri begged.

Him too?!

"Why? It's not like I can compete, I'm over the weight limit." You said

"I don't know who told you there was a weight limit in skating, ангел, but there's not. Besides, you're perfect for figure skating." Viktor said, smiling at you.

You had to give in, it was sort of killing you to say no to this precious man.

"You can coach me." You said.


Viktor watched as you skated, trying to figure out your weak and strong points. One big weakness was your lack of confidence but one strong point was how graceful you were one the ice.

Your jumps needed work, but he knew some people who could help with that.

"Okay! I think I've got it." He told you and you skidded to a stop.

"So? How bad am I?" You asked.

"ангел, you're not bad at all. You're actually good." He said.

"You don't have to lie to me Viktor." You said.

"You called me Viktor." He said.

"That's your name...?"

"You've just...never said it before."


Viktor typed a number into his phone.

"Yuri! I need a favour...."


The next day at practice was surprising. A blonde male was standing there next to your coach.

"(Y/N)! Meet Yuri Plisetsky, he's gonna help us with your jumps." Viktor told you.

"My jumps..?" You said in confusion.

"Is she always this slow?" Yuri asked.

"Hey! I can hear you, you little biiiiiiiible." You said, stopping yourself from saying anything bad.

"She's a bit pudgy, isn't she, are you sure she can skate?" He asked Viktor.

"She's an amazing skater. She just lacks confidence."

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