Chapter 7: Another Competition and the Return of Lyn!

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You nervously twisted your hands together, Viktor was outside waiting on your performance and you didn't want to do it. Not after what happened.

"Yuuri, what are you doing here?" You asked as the raven haired male entered the room. "I've come to wish you good luck." He said.

"At least you did." You mumbled.

"Forgive Viktor. He didn't mean it." He said.

"It's too late for forgiveness Yuuri." You told him.

"And now we have (L/N) (Y/N)!" The announcer yelled.


You stepped out into the ice and closed your eyes. It was no one but you on the ice right now. There was no one watching you. It was all you.

The movements and song reflected how you felt about the fight with Viktor. Your face was emotionless, you couldn't cry, not in front of everyone.

You ended the piece with a triple axel and bowed, walking off the ice.

"Another amazing performance from Japan's rising star! The scores are: 234.1"

You sighed in relief and started walking away.

"Don't walk away yet Pudge, you're about to see some real figure skating." Lyn's nail on chalkboard voice had returned.

"I don't fancy watching a fish out of water struggle." You told her.

"What gives you the right to talk to me like that?" She asked.

"Maybe the fact that I've been skating longer than you." You said stomping away.


"That was amazing (Y/N)!" Yuko said as you returned to Hasetsu the next day.

"Thanks, but it was also really tiring. I'll see you later Yuko." You told her.

You entered your apartment and collapsed on your bed. You should quit. There was nothing to keep you skating. Viktor hated you, and the only one besides Yuuri who could possibly care about your skating carreer is in Bangkok.

Your skating life sucked ever since Viktor Nikiforov walked through the door.

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