Chapter 19: Nice To See You Again

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It had been 2 months since you had come to America and you loved it.

There's so many places to go! And most everyone was nice. Still, no one could compare to your friends Japan.


"How's training?" Viktor asked over Skype.

"It's going good, Leo's really helpful." You said, taking a bite out of an apple.

"Oh is he?" Viktor asked jealously.

"Calm down, he's just a friend Viktor." You said.

"So was I at one point! These things happen!" He exclaimed.

"Just trust me a little." You told him, frowning slightly.

"I do. I just don't trust men." He said.

"Including yourself?" You asked, smiling.

"Especially myself. How can I control myself around you? You're beautiful!"

You blushed darkly and laughed loudly. "VIKTOR!" You squealed.

"It's the truth!" He said.

Your dog came down the hall at the mention of his name and tackled you. "Why did I name him that?" You asked as he laid on your chest.

"I wish I was that dog." Viktor said slyly.



You fumbled slightly as you landed from your triple axel. "(Y/N) are you okay?" Leo asked as he skated next to you.

"Just thinking." You said, slightly dazed.

"I know how you feel." Leo agreed.

"It's one thing to see them and hear their voice...." you trailed off.

"It's another to touch them." Leo finished.

"We need a vacation." You said.


So there you were, sitting on a plane with some people snoring peacefully next to you, but you were too excited to sleep. You wanted to see Viktor.

You were going to see Viktor.

You were smiling at the thought.

It was just a day's flight. No worries, no training, no rivals.

Thankfully you had someone watch your dog while you left.


You got off the plane and made your way to the entrance where you didn't expect someone to be waiting.

"Yuuri! It's so good to see you!!" You exclaimed as you hugged the male.

"Ahem." A voice said.

"Oh, you too Phichit!" You said.

"I'm just messing with you, we know it's not us you're here to see." Phichit stated.

"I'm here to see everyone." You defended.

"But we're not the one's with dogs named after them." He said.

"I told Viktor to meet us at the rink in 20 minutes, we've got to rush." Yuuri said.

You nodded and started walking next to the pair.

"Why the rink?" You asked.

"What better way to be reunited then the place you first met?" Yuuri said.

"What, are you gonna make me dress like I was that day?" You questioned rhetorically.

"No, that's weird." Phichit said.


You stood in the centre of the rink awkwardly, Phichit and Yuuri standing in front of you.

"What's the emergency?" The voice of Viktor asked from the entrance.

"You have to come over here to see it." Phichit said.

"I swear if it's another try at a date I will end you." Viktor said.

That was your cue.

"Well, hopefully you'd like to go on a date with me." You said.

"(Y/N)...." he breathed, astonished.

"Nice to see you again Viktor." You said, smiling awkwardly.

He ran towards you, not minding that you were on literal ice when he did so. He just wanted to hold you.

"Careful you dumbass." You said as he almost fell.

"I'm your dumbass though." He said matter-of-factly.

"You're not wrong."


Update on how my life is going: I spelt Victory as Viktory.

What has this anime done to me?

What have I done to myself?

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