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i saw jimin when i walked into school the next morning.

"hey, j." i tried to act natural, hoping she was no longer mad at me, and that maybe she didn't do anything stupid.

as soon as she saw me, her cheeks started getting red. "o-oh. hi, lyric." she stuttered while awkwardly smiling. "i'm uh sorry for g-getting all pissy yesterday. i was just jealous, i-i guess."

she did something stupid.

she only stutters when she's trying to hide something, and that's something she'd wanna hide from me.

"i can't fucking believe you. you had sex with kunpimook."

she gulped. "i'm sorry. i was mad and i needed attention and he and his friends offered and... i knew it would piss you off."

"so you did it to make me mad? that is so stupid. do you realize that?"

i could not believe this situation.

suddenly her expression changed from apologetic to angry.

"fuck you, lyric. it is so rare for a guy to like me because they all want you. so when i finally got some attention, it only makes sense that i accepted it. you have no reason to be mad at me." she scoffed. "unless of course you're jealous."

"why would i be jealous when you're just throwing your body around like a slut?"

i instantly regretted my words when i felt jimin's hand across my face.

but her slapping me pissed me off, so i hit her back, and then she started hitting me more, and i returned the favor.

soon everyone was paying attention to us and shouting things along the lines off "fight".

as she started scratching at my face, someone came and starting pulling us apart.

"what is wrong with you two? stop it!" yugyeom yelled, while pulling me closer to him and jimin farther away.

both jimin and i were panting and we both had tears in our eyes.

"ugh fuck you both!" she yelled before storming off.

everyone who was watching us started talking among themselves and slowly walking to class.

yugyeom stood directly in front of me, looking at my face. no, examining my face.

a frown formed on his face as he wiped my tears carefully so that they wouldn't touch my new scratches and cuts.

"are you okay?" he asked in that concerned voice that i've grown quite fond of.

i nodded slightly. "i'm just not in the mood for school anymore."

"so lets skip."

and with that, he intertwined our fingers and pulled me out of the building.


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