thirty , last chapter

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one week after yugyeom and i had sex, he told me he had something important to tell me, which had been raising my anxiety levels all day.

after school, we went to my house, where he said he promised to tell me what was going on.

and when he did, i broke.

"what do you mean you're leaving?" my heart rate picked up. "you haven't even been here that long! you can't leave yet."

"baby, i'm so sorry. i wish i could stay, i really do. but i don't decide it." he took a step closer to me as tears started to race down my cheeks.

i sat down on my couch. "so that's it? you're just gonna break my heart and go?"

"lyric, don't say that. i already feel like shit, please don't make it worse." he sat down next to me, grabbing onto one of my hands, but i pulled it away.

"if i'm not supposed to say that, then what am i supposed to say?"

he sighed. "i don't know, babe. maybe we can make it work? i'm not ready to lose you. i love you."

"i love you too, yug. but i don't know..."

i was completely torn. i had no idea how to respond to the situation in front of me.

i didn't want to lose yugyeom. but i can't handle distance and feeling alone.

"lyric, baby, please." he grabbed my hand, but this time i didn't pull away.

"yugyeom, i'm sorry," i sighed as more tears rolled down my face and i could almost feel my heart breaking. "but maybe in a few years we'll meet again."

and then he started crying.

he pulled me into his arms and held on to me tighter than ever.

my arms naturally wrapped around him and we cried together for a minute before we pulled from each other.

"maybe you're right. maybe it will be best." he took a few deep breaths and stood from the couch.

i stood with him, and before i could say a word, his lips connected to mine.

the kiss was on the shorter side, but it told so much.

"i love you, lyric."

"i love you too, yug."

and then he exited my house.

and i never saw him again.

the end


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