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I remember, it was 2010's first day. Chilly but beautiful. The winds felt fresh and the winter was touching. People looked
happy and fresh. Everybody has started afresh of their lives, and so did I. I was out with my bestie, the only one, Georgia. Every other girl seemed to be my enemy. We made our minds,
to use this year into something good and not to just sit in front of our computers all day. This time, we actually mean it. I'd try my best atleast, added my subconscious.
This evening, we dressed up like a celebrity. A celebrity, maybe, that was famous for bad dressing sense. It was not much fun, atleast to me. I'm not a person who knows much about what 'fun' means.
That night, when I dropped Georgia at a house one away from mine, and reached home, i realised that i was actually wearing
red shoes with a pink dress. Nice combination, isn't it?
"First day of 2010?" i thought.

The same night i wrote-

*All the best to me*

The next morning was the same as the morning of the previous boring year. I got ready for school.
Good two pony tails, neat white shirt, bright tunic and a tight sweater. I felt like a star before i realised
that i looked fat.

"This year is all the same as before" i declared to myself.

I was having my breakfast when i heard the Bus' horns. I rushed, without picking up the lip gloss, i thought i'd carry.
The moment i entered the bus, i saw the faces of the same boring people, dull and helpless.
I sat there on the last seat, where i used to sit alone, thinking about some things that were impossible to happen.
I looked aroud, people they didn't look back at me. I thought they would, but they hardly liked me.

I don't know when i fell asleep, but when we reached the school, i hit my head into the window, declaring to everybody that
this loser was not asleep anymore. I stepped out like people step out of a long, black car in movies, and look aroud with a
slight smile on their faces, when suddenly, someone pushed my back

"Get to side, fatso!" i heard.What could be a better start, right? There was no such loser, i could relate my life too.

I walked to my classroom, which was on the top floor. Reaching there have always felt like a year's journey but this
time i was excited. I entered my classroom, people hugging each other, talking about their resolutions. I walked straight to the last seat, where
i found another of my kind. Loser-looking.

"Hi. I'm Diana! Happy new year!" I said.
"I know you. I'm Alex. I sit next to you in Bio lab!" she said, doubting if had lost my memory.
"Really?" i thought "Yeah yeah we..uhm..sit together..uhm!" slipped out of my mouth.

Before this situation could get any funnier, the class teacher arrived. Old, strict, and one with useless moral values to give.
She seemed to hate me on the first sight. Why wouldn't she when I ran into her and said "Watch out old lady"
and then that old lady happened to be my classteacher.

Before anyone could get themselves back, a boy from the next section came running in. He was cute. Atleast what the girls
in the class whispered to each other. He was popular and rich, Girls liked him, Alex told me so. She was the only one who
was interested in talking to me. But why? Was she crazy? Teachers loved him because he was rich. Does he pay them? No.
The guy said we were supposed to be going to the Assembely hall.

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