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On reaching London, the air changes to greater levels than its ever been. The air itself is rich, its royal. My cousin comes to pick us up, and looks excited about our time together. 

"Its going to be so much fun!" Lida squeals as she hugs me tightly. I chuckle and play along. She looks beautiful in a plain red blouse, complementing the black shorts on point. She is 18, only a year elder. She is fun, but she is too active for me to keep up with. 

"Oh my god, Lida! Look at you." I smile at her, and she laughs lightly.

"But you, oh good lord!" She shot it back, just a formal gesture, i can tell.

We drive to their beautiful mansion, its huge but feels like home. Things have changed a lot since i last visited, of course. Lida takes me to her room and I settle my bags in a corner and quickly scan my room for the next 30 days. I smile at it, its beautiful. There are pictures hanging on one wall, opposite to the large bed. The walls are painted in peach and white checks on two, and the other two alternatively left plain white. The mirror is larger than I've ever seen and I wonder why. 

"Diana, guess who?" I hear a familiar cute voice and look at my beautiful young cousin stand there, smiling brightly at me.

"Eli baby!" I squeal as I rush to her and pick her up in my arms. She's still in the small mould she's been a good 3 years ago. 

"Dee, you are so beautiful." She speaks as she puts my hair behind my ear. I laugh at her, and kiss her forehead.

"Oh how old have you grown, Elissa?" I pinch her cheeks.

"I'm 8 now, almost as old as you." She helps her hair away from her eyes and I laugh at her childishness.

"Big enough." Lida gestures me to settle on the bed, as Elissa climbs in. 

Lida tells me about school, friends, and how much she misses me. She looks excited as she tells me all the things we could do. 

"Diana!" My aunt rushes over to me, and I hug her tightly. 

"Laura! You haven't aged a bit." I tease her and she widens her eyes.

"But you're growing up so beautiful. Look at them hair." She points at my hair that lay open on my back. I smile at her, and she touches them.

"How is Nate doing?" She asks me, and I press my lips into a tight line.

"Business keeps him busy." I ignore it.

"Well, girls, let Diana take some rest before we go out for a movie tonight." Elissa jumps and claps her hands together at the idea.

Elissa leaves the room, and Lida changes into a pair of comfortable pajamas before climbing in bed with me. We talk for a few minutes, before we run out of topics. 

"Lida, do you like that band One Direction?" I ask out of nowhere.

"Oh my god, how do you know?" She sits up in pure excitement and i sigh.

"I just guessed it. Have you ever been to a concert?" I take the conversation further.

"I'm going next week!" She squeals, "Unbelievable isn't it?" She laughs.

"Yeah, enjoy." I sigh.

"Don't pout, we have tickets for you too." My jaw drops, and i raise my eyebrow at her.


"Yeah, we're going!" She squeals and my heart comes out in my hands. 

"Lida, I'd love to, but i can't." I shake my head apologetically. Her eyebrows narrow at me, and i start to regret that i even asked. 

"Diana, but this is like a dream to me. I love them. I want to see them live!" Her voice squeals and i feel my heart pinching. I sigh.

"Who said you're not going?" I try to let out a laugh, earning raised eyebrows from Lida's part.

"I am not going without you." I open my mouth to interrupt, "That's final." She sits up more and shoots me a warning look.

 "Lida, please understand. Trust me, I'm not the concert person." I let a chuckle out. She narrows her eyes again.

"Not a concert person, really?" She retorts.

"Okay, enough of it. I just can't go, I've got my reasons." I pose serious enough for her to believe me.

"Tell me the reason and that will end it." She clasps her hands together, rubbing them next. I roll my eyes, while i try to build stories inside my head.

"I've got a friend to meet." I shrug, "Its really important." I purse my lips together while she nods, and i mentally pat my own back. 

"Its a date, isn't it?" She smiles mischievously. I blush. I can't believe what of an excellent actor i am.

"Well..." I look down at my fingers. I notice my nails, where the black nail paint from a weak ago has flaked out. I've stopped caring about looking pretty, at all.

"Oh my god, i need to know!" She squealed, holding my hand and clasping it against hers. I laughed at her action, while building up more lies in my dumb head. 

"We both just met online, and uhm, we're still 'just' friends, and uhm, its just that kind of a thing." I hesitated while i lied. I don't know if this is a right step to take, but anything could help. 

"Is he hot?" She asks out of clear excitement, and i roll my eyes. Oh well, he's fictional, so obviously he's hell of hot and attractive.

"Obviously?" I laugh, and she claps her hands together. 

"Lida, what are you wearing when you finally meet your idols?" I try to change the course of conversation and she looks happy at the mention of her 'special day'.

"I haven't made my mind up yet, but you're going shopping with me." She squeals, and i clap my hands together.

A few more minutes of conversation follow, as Lida tells me about the things you see in London, and how much it holds. I listen attentively, and my attraction towards the city grows limitless. I decide to accompany her in shopping later today. She finally lets me sleep, and she dozes off way before i do. Despite of how tired i am, i toss and turn in bed, thinking about this concert where Niall would be. Its been months since I've seen him, other than social media and tv, and i would do anything to see him, but something tells me it isn't worth it. I want to see him, but my ego tells me to avoid this concert, what if it turns out to be more. I don't think i want to feel lonely again. I swallow hard, and shut the thoughts up. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2015 ⏰

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