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Days after that, were exciting. In school, we had dance practices for the whole day. I was good at dance, and he was worse

than I could ever imagine. Every afternoon, he'd drop me home, and he'd always crack jokes. We were almost like bestfriends. I can't believe how smooth this was going. We've known each other only for a week but we sure had something special, something undeniable.

I'd sometimes look straight into his eyes while dancing, I didn't realize I was falling for him before it was late to deny it to myself. We shared our life experiences, and much to my surprise, he writes a diary, and so do i.

The same day -

*I don't believe i am, what i am with Niall. I haven't felt better than this, all my life, not even with my bestfriend. I think he's the one. I know I'm hurrying with this, but he makes me feel better than anyone has. I'm so stuck with thinking about him, all day. I know this is desperate, but i think he feels the same way. What if he doesn't? Nothing. I wouldn't regret it. I'd just move back to my past life, that of a loser. What if i'm only stupid to think of it, and I'd ruin our bond. I certainly don't want to do so. Seeing him laugh on my jokes is the most adorable thing ever. I hope i don't ruin things.*

The day before the prom, i called him in the evening. My family was out for the family function, which mum had told me about. It was quiet at my place, and i disliked that.

"Horan, i have no dress!" i shouted, without even saying hello.

"Oh shit! Why didn't you tell me before?" He panicked. His voice sounded heavier than ever.

"I didn't know." i said. confused into my own forgetfulness.

He picked me up from my place and took me to the mall. We saw a thousand dresses and liked none. I sat on a bench, exhausted. I dislike things to a great extent. I'm choosy and boring.

He sat beside me, and pointed on a white dress that was hanging in a shop at the corner end. We rushed there.

It was a graceful, sparkling, and anglelic white gown and he said it suited me. In not more than a minute's time, he bought it for me, and it felt like i'm with someone who i've been always searching for. Who would ever buy you such a thing?

He was exhausted taking me everywhere but he took care of me like I was the only thing that he had in the world. It was late now, and we were

hungry. We climbed into his car, and set off. We spent the drive listening and singing along The Fray. We reached my place, and ordered a pizza. I remember his face had more sauce than the pizza did. He was the prettiest thing that

had sauce on it. We didn't discover that it was 12 already. He picked up his jacket and rushed out. He opened the door and looked back at me.

"Big day tomorrow?" He smiled.

"Yeah. See you tomorrow!" I walked closer, and he pulled me into a hug.

I saw him getting in the car and looking at me before he started driving. I knew how excited he was, but anyway i was worried. I didn't know

if i could make it. I spent the whole night before i fell asleep, thinking and preparing myself.

The next morning, a phone call awakened me. The moment i picked it up, i heard Niall saying "Its already 12:00! We have to reach at 2:00! Ready?" I rushed to

the bathroom. When i came out, I had to tell myself repeatedly that i don't have to worry. I called up my bestie, Georgia to help me get ready.

I ended up looking like a bride, in white gown, graceful, and peaceful, with a beauty queen hair-do. For the first time, i complemented myself. Thanks to Georgia.

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