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Everybody settles at the table, and we spend the rest of the dinner listening to the business talks. Ashton and Niall cough to gain attention and I quickly look away as everybody stares at them. Soon, everybody finishes their last bite of the sweet section.

"There is a disco here, in the same hotel. The kids can enjoy there while we talk business." Dad declares, trying to make it sound like a suggestion. I can finally talk to Niall, and Ashton, and Stace, all together, but still all alone.

I quickly get up from my place, before anyone says no, and we miss the chance. My eyes order Ashton and Stace to get up, and they follow. But my jaw drops as Nate stands up, and smiles at us. If he comes with us, Ash and Stace will get even ruined because Nate acts too flirty around Stace. There are two possibilities, either Ashton would kill Nate, or I'd do it.

"Son, you are no less than a businessman." Dad's words embarrass him, but, to my fortunate, stop him. At least, there is something kind that my dad did to me. But that is because he doesn't know it.

"Right." He frowns and throws himself back to the chair.

"Lets go." I whisper, and the three follow me as I walk to the elevator. We step into the elevator, and there is perfect silence before the doors close. 

We look at each other, and all of us laugh out. I'm loving this moment. Everybody looks happy, though there are still so many problems we are carrying with us.

"Jesus! This is crazy!" Ashton suddenly frowns, and our faces frown as well. I look at Stace, and she looks so uncomfortable around Ash. The sound of the indicator comes up, and we step out.

"Stace, can I talk to you?" Ashton quickly grabs her wrist, and she hesitates, but finally nods. We walk further into the disco, and they disappear somewhere in the crowd.

The place is noisy, and dark. Dim, colorful lights, and drunk people dancing like crazy. My hands feel free, and cold. I realize that I don't have Niall's hand in mine, and I quickly turn around, desperately. My heart beats out loud in my chest, as my eyes search for him in the dark crowd. The drunk people quickly create the image of Ashton's birthday party in my mind, and I panic more.

"I'm here." Niall grabs me by my waist, and brings his lips near to my ear.

"Why do you keep scaring me?" I scold him, seriously, this time, but this idiot still giggles.

"I don't remember doing that before." He chuckles, and I turn towards him. His eyes shine in the disco lights, and so does his hair. Though my face is frowning, but there are butterflies in my stomach because of his adorable eyes.

"I hate you so much!" I push him by the chest, and turn to walk away. Let me make him see how much it scares a person.

"You liar!" He grabs me by my wrist again, and pulls me to himself. I look straight into his eyes, but he lets go off my wrist, leaving me embarrassed. 

I follow him, as he guides me to a red couch placed in the corner of the dark room. He settles himself on the couch, and I settle myself on the other end of the couch. He looks at me, but I decide to ignore.

"I was just playing." He moves closer, and slips his hand on my shoulder, and I quickly get comfortable.

"I know, I just..." I find it hard to explain, so I leave it to him. Think whatever you choose to.

"It's okay" He states, "I guess." He smirks as I look at him, with a villain smile on my face.

"Whatever it is, I'm glad Ash and Stace are talking about it." We sit back closer on the couch, and he places his free hand on my thigh.

"Whats wrong with you?" He almost screams at me, and we get a look or two from the people around.

"What?" I pretend I didn't hear it.

"Why are you always into their case?" He scolds me, and he is right. I'm always thinking about them, and not about 'us'.

"Because I'm a friend, Niall!" I yell at him, defending my point. It's right. A good friend always is concerned about the beloved. At least, that is what I'm saying right now.

"Whatever!" He looks away, and my head starts burning up. How dare he talk to me like that? This is the guy I called a gentleman an hour ago. Unbelievable.

"I really want it to be about us." He states, and I agree. Maybe, I am wrong, but the fact that he talked to me like that, isn't changing.

"At least, when we're together." He rubs my shoulder with his hand, and I nod. Why ruin the night? Though I am insulted, and he made me feel embarrassed, but this night is important.

"I'm sorry. I won't do it again." I rest my head, on his shoulder, and hear him take a deep breath. 

"I hope." His voice sounds soft, and I look up at him, and my heart melts at how he looks at me. His eyes twinkling in the dim and colorful lights. A light smile on his lips. 

He suddenly pulls me even closer, and my heart beat increases. No matter how many times I've been so close to him, my heart skips beats everytime he comes close to me. He moves his hand, from my shoulder to my lower back, and I take a deep breath, before closing my eyes.

"Get a room, you two!" Stace's voice embarrasses me, as they both walk towards us, and settle on the couch in front of us. I don't like the way Stace is staring at Niall. She is making him feel even more embarrassed. Neither do I like the way Ashton is looking at me. Serious and surprised at the same time. Ashton immediately coughs to break the silence.

"So?" I look at Stace, and speak in a low voice. I hope everything is fine, though I just got scolded for it a minute ago. She shows me a thumb up, and I smile at her, and then my eyes roll over to Ash. He doesn't look that happy, but that is none of my business.

"Lets play truth or dare?" Stace suggests, and my heart begins to race. We already know too much to be destroyed, and fall apart. I don't want Stace to know that Ashton kissed me, or anything else from that night. Neither do I want to get drunk, as a dare, and then regret it my whole life.

"Never." Niall's words slip out, before he could take it back in. 

"So, we are just going to sit here, and stare at each other?" She teases him, and looks at Ashton. He smiles at her, returning her gesture.

"Come on, Niall! Don't be such a spoilsport!" Ashton snakes his hand around Stace's shoulder. I wonder why no couple looks even a per cent of comfortable like I and Niall do.

"Okay. Only the four of us?" Niall huffs, and now I know I can't disagree. I will have to play this little game of disaster. Ashton nods.

We arrange a fruit beer bottle, and settle back in the couches for the game. Stace spins the bottle, and it points at me.

"Dare." I answer confidently, and hear her and Ash hoot.

"Kiss the hottest guy in the room." Ashton jumps in, with a smirk. Suddenly, a flashback of that night plays again in my head. My head starts spinning as I remind myself that he kissed me. I hope he isn't hoping that it is going to be him.

I tilt in my place, and grab Niall by his blazer. I quickly place my lips against his, and feel his hands move lower on my back. My stomach starts flipping, and ripples go down my spine. This was a dare I was supposed to do, but I see how much he wanted it to come to me. Our legs perfectly fit into a twine. He breaths heavily, and my heart races. Just as I pull away, I look into his eyes, which are soft, and blue. A smile plays on his lips, and he gently brings his hand back up to my shoulder. I hear Stace saying "Aw" and we both uncomfortably stare at each other. Our heads are still close enough, that I can feel his breath, more than I can feel mine. I quickly look away, and so does he. He coughs a bit, and I can't help but blush like crazy. 

Is it weird, or Is it obvious that I'm no longer afraid or uncomfortable kissing him in public?

Or is it simply obsession? 

Whatever it might be, It was a touch from heaven, the love on the cloud nine. 

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