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Soon after I reply, I run a comb through my hair, so that i would look clean. I run my eyes over my clothing and it looks just as i want it to. The formal white shirt looks perfect, slipping into my black jeans. I have never adored myself, before he came and made me realize how beautiful i am. I soon hear the doorbell, and I run downstairs, and open the door, and i already guessed it was Niall. But reality hits me like a truck, when i see no one there. Maybe it is just my excitement to see him again, that pulled me here. I step backward to close the door, but  I feel cold winds suddenly smelling so good. The winter rushing into me, leaving my hair flying behind me. He rushes into me, and grabs my waist, and lifts me into the air. I feel so close to him, and specially when I realize that he closed his eyes, when my hair fell on his face, breathing heavily. The touch is better than before, as it feels familiar. I smile, and my hands slip to his neck, making him, put my feet back on the floor, and look at me clearly. His blue eyes are enchanting, as he looks into my eyes. They look better, everytime.

"You look beautiful in this shirt." He whispers, with a smirk, before putting me down, slowly.

"Thanks" I whisper and close the door behind us.

We walk to the dining table and sit on the same side, with our chairs close. I put on my reading glasses with black frame and he giggles, putting my hair behind my ear, complementing the frames. I open the book, and put it in between of us, on the table, and he rests his jaw on his knuckles. I explain his the notes, and he pays attention. He looks adorable nodding, and repeating everything i teach him. After almost an hour, I reach out for the book kept on the other side of the table. It is on the far end, and I get up from the chair to grab it, but I'm pulled back by someone's beautiful hands. I'm put back on his lap, and he leans into me. Down my body, goes electricity. My soul is screaming in pleasure. His touch sends me to heaven, and makes me want to never return to earth.

"They'd be here in an hour." He whispers, and his eyes are twinkling. I'm so lost in his eyes, that i hardly care what he is talking about.

"So?" I roll my eyes to the clock, and then back to him. I grab his shirt, so i don't fall. He grabs me tighter.

"Lets not study till then." He suggests with a smirk, and i nod. I can guess how bored he was.

He was close enough, for me to smell him. He is what is actually defined as love.

"What do you want to do then?" I ask as he sits straight back on the chair, and pulls me with him, and my hair come to his face but he puts them back with his fingers. The touch sends electricity into me.

"Anything you like." He says, with his voice low, as i get off him, and slip my hands from his. What does he even mean? Is it what I'm thinking. Butterflies.

"I want to tell you something." He gets up and walks over to the familiar red couch, and i follow. I'm afraid he would say that he said that for fun, and he didn't mean any of it. I pray he doesn't.

"Yes?" I whisper, as he pulls me in his arms, leaving me seated next to him, on the couch. He shifts backward, and i shift forward in unease. He puts one hand on my upper arm, and pulls me to rest on his shoulder.

"I love you, Diana." He gasps, and say almost making me cry in joy. I've never heard that for me, from anyone other than him, and i want him to be the first and the last.

"I love you, Niall." I reply as fast and softly as i can, making him gasp again. I forget all about thw world, and go back to the time he kissed me the first time.

Soon, he pulls back his hands, and shift to the floor, on his knees. My legs start to shiver. He takes both of my hands into his, and rests our hands on my thighs. I gasp, and he looks down. I have a feeling, that the next moment is going to bring me back to reality, the old me, the loser, who never desrved this angel.

"Look..uhm..the first time i saw you, I went crazy. I knew you were, something different, you were better than all the bitchy girls who teased you. I was in love with you, and I still am, and will be forever. But I really didn't know that after I'd stay with you all night, my love will cross its limits. " He stops, and my heart skips beats. Is he just going to break up with me? Its just been a day. For God's sake, don't do that, Niall. My soul is tearing apart, but he continues, and i listen patiently.

"I came to England, because i wanted to audition for the X factor. But then i saw you, and everything changed. But if i don't get through the audition, I will...i will have to go back to Ireland." He tears me apart, but i pick up all the pieces of my heart to react to it. If he goes back, my life would go back to normal, and that life isn't my favorite.

"You will get through, Niall, you will." I make him believe, when i lean into him, and kiss his head.

I love him, and I won't let him go. He has to get through.

"Thanks" He whispers, and looks up to me, and kisses on my jaw, sending current trembles down my body. He gets up, and reaches out for my shoulders. He almost pushes me to lay back down on the couch, and my hands are placed on his chest. He reaches out for a kiss, and his lips come closer, making me nervous. I close my eyes, and the door bell wakes me up from the dream. Niall groans, and walks to the door, red in anger. When he opens the door, there are Stace and Ashton, shivering in cold winds, and the snowfall. I quickly get up from the couch, and put my hair behind my ear. Lets socialize.

"You said seven, didn't you?" Niall half laughs, half groans, pulling Ashton into a hug. They must be good friends by now. I wave at Stace, who looks gorgeous in a Brown overcoat, and black jeans. Her eyes are bright, and she is rubbing her hands together, shivering.

"Niall, won't you invite them in?" I groan at Niall, and he laughs, opening the door fully for them to get in. Stace walks over to me, and pulls me into a  hug. Oh she smells good. I smile warmly, and she returns me a smile.

"Nice house." Ashton says, and Stace nods to agree. I don't know if they're committed but they surely look cute together. I let go off my thoughts, and smile at Ashton, thanking him.

"Coffee?" I offer them, and they all nod. I walk to the kitchen, and Stace follows me in.

"So, you live alone?" She asks, swaying back and forth the platform.

"Oh no", i laugh a bit, "My family is out of town for some function in London." I tell her, considering my luck.

"Oh thats lucky." She jokes, and we both giggle. She's frank. Let me ask her about Ashton. I hope she doesn't mind. Lets consider being lucky again.

"Ashton and you?" I do sings, as i join my hands, and i see her eyes widen, continued by a smile on her lips. I think i was right.

"No, but i like him, and i hope he feels the same way." She smiles, and i smile back. That was me, a day ago. But i got him, and everything changed.

"So, you and Niall?" She asks back, and i'm confused if Niall wants people to know. I look at the ground, but she repeats her question.

"Ask him." I laugh, and we walk out of the kitchen, with the tray.

Everybody takes their cups in their hands, and take a sip. I continuously stare at Niall, wanting to catch his eye and ask him about telling Stace. But unfortunately, when he looks at me, Stace was looking at him. She breaks the silence, when she coughs.

"So Niall." She says, after taking a sip. Oh please. Don't embarrass him.

"Yes." He looks up, his head still bent down, looking beautiful.

"Are you and Diana together?" She raises and eyebrow, and there goes embarrassment flying into the air.

"Uhm", He coughs, "Yes" He can't stop smiling, and so can't I. I didn't know he was good with letting people know. Thats brave of him, letting people know that this loser is his girlfriend.

Ashton smiles at him, and then looks at me, and then at Stace. Niall looks at the ceiling feeling shy, and Ashton teases him by hitting on his stomach. "Come on" Niall groans, and Stace continuously smiles. Whats wrong with her?

Everybody finishes their coffee, and put the cups down on the tray.

"Lets start then!" Stace rubs her palms together. Everybody nods, and we move to the dining table, which is cleared up for space already. We settles ourselves, and my eyes roll over and i catch Niall staring at me. The feels ruin my life.

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